Hi all, I have an ileostomy with a mucous fistula (detached Colon) The two holes are together, so i have 2 openings in my pouch - the fistula is at the top and the ileostomy underneath.  Every 3/4 weeks i pass mucous naturally through the back passage (which is a natural action of mucous forming in the detached Colon).  Sometimes i can have diarrhea.  Its as though some of the content of my pouch somehow backflows into the mucous fistula and then proceeds to discharge at the back passage. On the other hand sometimes the content can be a little firm and comes out of the fistula end.  It comes out of the fistula, the stoma and the back passage. I have had regular Colonoscopies and Camera Capsules, so i know i'm all connected properly.  Does anyone else have this issue? Interesting, I hope you find an answer! Retired engineer, now goatherd I had a very temporary mucous fistula, which closed up fairly quickly (under a week, perhaps). Is yours expected to close up at some point? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I had one when I got my original loop ileostomy in 2018. Then in April of 2022, they converted it to an end ileostomy so the mucus fistula was gone. The original was was set up pretty well, so it could go ito the same bag. Unfortunately I also had a fistula from my sm intestines to the edge of my stoma, so I was getting output through that too, causing leaks. I had surgery in autumn of 2020 to fix that one.  -Liza  Well, my mucous fistula is resting large colon.  As i have opted not to have a reversal operation, the mucous fistula just remains.  Ive had endoscopies through the fistula into the colon. I don't know if this is related to what you are dealing with, @Et1, I have a loop ileostomy and I'm experiencing increasing output through *ahem* traditional (?) means? I figure that output from the output ostomy is siphoning into the loop opening and then down into the colon and out. I'm having BMs every couple of days now, and of fairly significant volume. I still have a colon, and it's mostly functional, but it's supposed to be resting. I'm not sure what, if anything, I need to do about this. I've been trying to get in touch with the surgeon but haven't got an appointment yet. My home care nurse says she's never heard of this - which I find odd... I mean, I've heard of it. Any thoughts? Hi, So sorry for not replying sooner.   Im a little concerned that you say you are having BM's so regularly. Im no expert, but i would have said anything passing through to the rectum would be minimal.  Have you seen a specialist for advice yet? Elaine Hi Elaine, I did see someone about this. The surgeon agreed with my theory at the time. Since then the anastomosis in my colon, from my original colectomy, has completely shut and I no longer have any output from the back end. I'm not having any issues with it, so I'm kinda just hoping for the best. Thats good news.  I'm glad you're doing well.
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
I would have thought that a resting Colon means exactly that. Â I think you are right that the output from the illeostomy may be flowing back through the distal mucous fistula opening, then making its journey down to the rectum.
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