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Has anyone used these?

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Has anyone used Salts Dermacol Stoma Collars?

VeganOstomy reacted
Bill Bell
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 68

Eric did a review a few years back.

Ostomy Collars

Ulcerative Colitis... Ileostomy June 2016

VeganOstomy and john68 reacted
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 4348
Posted by: @dtheblack

Has anyone used Salts Dermacol Stoma Collars?

I have years ago. They are quite unique and interesting for sure. 

Were you having issues and had been looking at them for any particular reason? 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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@veganostomy I had a hernia repair that left me with a stoma in a deep fold and I can’t get a bag to stick longer than 1 to (if I stand a lot) 2 days. Now if I sit down my bag leaks. So I’m thinking those collars would get me a day or 2 longer wear. 

Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 4348

@dtheblack You can certainly give them a try, but typically with folds in the skin you're looking at convex wafer or stoma paste to fill in the gaps. 

If you do end up trying these, let us know what your experience is like. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I probably won’t try them. My new stoma is buried in the fat fold. I’ll no doubt have to have a new stoma made.

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 254

If the stoma is fairly evenly recess then Eric is correct a convex wafer will close the gap up. With my newly remodel stoma I have a skin bulge at the top and a large dip underneath most probably where the descending part of the bowel has been removed. This means a convex wafer tries to roll off a flat leave a large void underneath but stays on well. I'm trying cutting rings not got the size and shape right yet. My stoma nurse doesn't recommend the paste?

Dthe black sorry to say its a big learning curve and takes time but you have founs a great forum to help.

I personally find the Coloplast mio have the best flexible and stick adhesive, I have done a mod to the wafer to help them stay on better and is working well for me, see my post on that if it helps.

Colostomy Jan 2020
