I ran into this website 2 days ago. A new product line and giving free samples to try. Nice find! I've added them to my free samples page. You got a very generous collection of free samples! Did you have to pay for shipping or anything? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy no I did not pay anything. At first I thought the form did not go through so I took a photo of their number but then forgot about it. 2 days after filling the form the samples arrived. Not sure but it look's like this company delivers US only.Anyways i put my full address in the address column and just clicked a state and x x for the zip code.Let's see what happen's.  @jrachr maybe you could try emailing them. I hope you get them. Looks like it is for the US only. 😕 For any Canadian Resisent's interested. This is what they sent me.Quite quick on the ball. I will give them that. Good Morning Brian –  Unfortunately, we are not cleared to provide our products into Canada. We are working to be eligible within the next calendar year. Thank you for your understanding.  Best Regards,  Joshua Higgins | HR Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sales Administration and Support Manager 2600 Eastern Blvd, Suite 201 York, PA 17402 Office: 717.252.1110 ext. 143 Web: www.HRpharma.com  My email has recently changed. Please take a few minutes to update my contact information to jhiggins@hrpharma.com   From: Vitus Ostomy <noreply@vitusostomy.com>  Name: <redacted for privacy> --- Date: January 13, 2023  @jrachr This is unfortunate, but expected. Best to stick with Canadian suppliers or manufacturers with Canadian offices if you want samples. FYI: I've removed any personal info to your post to keep things more private Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy Thank you Eric. Guess I should have thought about that. Cheer's So sorry that some of you can’t try them. I should have thought about that. For those that can get them, they are a good product. The adhesive remover does seem to have alcohol in it but I need that sometimes anyhow. The deodorant is just lovely! It doesn’t have that string perfume smell like some of the others.  I’m liking them thus far. So sorry that some of you can’t try them. I should have thought about that. No need to apologize! About 50% of the traffic here comes from the US, and it would be impossible to cover every country when it comes to samples or purchasing products, so whoever can get them, get them! 😉 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I’ve tried a few samples but haven’t found a pouching system that works as well for me as the Hollister 2-piece that the ostomy nurse started me out with at the hospital. One thing she didn’t mention was M9 - I don’t know how I stumbled across that but decided to buy a bottle (Hollister told me they didn’t have sample sizes of M9), and it made such a difference; life-changing, really. Colostomy 4/30/18. @llholiday I love M9!! I always have 2 bottles on hand. When I first got my Ostomy I was at a stoma nurse visit and I was complaining about smell and she left the room and came back in with a full size bottle to give to me. I’ve been using it ever since. Safe n simple is pretty good too but M9 is my first choice.
I got mine today! Very fast I must say! 2 full size 8 oz lubricating deodorant drops, full box of adhesive remover wipes and some rings. They have other things too.Â
just thought I’d pass it on.Â
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 5:05 PM
To: Josh Higgins <jhiggins@hrpharma.com>; Amanda Weidman <aweidman@hrpharma.com>
Subject: (EXTERNAL)New message from Vitus Sample Request
Email: <redacted for privacy>
Phone: <redacted for privacy>
Address: <redacted for privacy>
City: <redacted for privacy>
State: <redacted for privacy>
Zip Code: x
Referral Source: Vegan Ostomy
Who is your current medical supply company?: Payless Medical
What brand are you currently using?: Coloplast
Choose Product(s) to Sample: 2″ Skin Barrier Rings – Standard, 8 oz. Lubricating Deodorant Bottle, 7.9 ml Lubricating Deodorant Packet, Adhesive Remover Wipes
Additional Comments:
Time: 5:04 pm
Remote IP:<redacted for privacy>
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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