Coloplast Brava Adhesive Remover Spray: REVIEW

Coloplast brava adhesive remover spray review

Removing a sticky appliance can sometimes be a choir, which is why I love adhesive remover products.   I’ll be reviewing the Coloplast Brava Adhesive Remover spray in this article.

Disclosure: The spray used for this review was purchased through my online ostomy product supplier.

About the Brava Adhesive Remover Spray

Product name: Brava Adhesive Remover Spray
Manufacturer: Coloplast
Product #: 12010
Dimensions: 50 ml aerosol
Quantity per box: 1

Coloplast has a strong showing in their Brava line of products.  This adhesive remover falls under the Brava umbrella, and it comes in both a non-sting spray or wipes (this review is only on the spray).

The spray comes in a 50 ml canister, which means you can travel with it under the current TSA rules.

Coloplast Brava Adhesive Removal spray size
At 50ml, this can easily be taken in your carry-on luggage.

The spray has a removable top that can easily pop off to expose the actuator (the part you press down on).  The top is quite secure when it’s on, so you really don’t have to worry about it accidentally falling off.

Like with any aerosol product, you should use caution when using this around flames, and don’t breathe the fumes.

Coloplast Brava Adhesive Removal Spray warnings
A typical warning for an aerosol product.

This product is made using silicone (like many other adhesive remover products), and it contains no animal ingredients.

Using this product

Adhesive remover sprays are pretty easy to use, and this one is no exception.  

Basically, you’re going to spray a small amount around the edge of your wafer to allow seeping underneath.  

I tend to continue to spray a little more as I’m peeling the wafer off, but it really depends on how stuck it is.

You don’t have to use this product only with wafers, and it works great for removing medical tape, wafer extenders, and wound dressings.

While you don’t have to shake the can in order to get it to spray, I do like to shake adhesive remover sprays just to see how much is left in it.  

Unfortunately, you can’t actually tell how much liquid is left in the canister of this product because nothing moves around inside.

That said, you don’t really get much warning when the product is out, and you may find yourself running out in the middle of an appliance change so keep an extra can handy if that’s a problem for you.

Does it work?

The Brava Adhesive Remover Spray works as well as any other adhesive remover I’ve tried so far (including the Niltac/Sensi-Care spray).

Some adhesives are easier to remove than others. and you may find that wafers using tape borders (Hollister, ConvaTec, etc.) may be quite difficult to remove with spray only, and a wipe may be required to remove any residue.

Other than not being able to know when the can is empty, my only other complaint is that the spray coverage can be very wide, which means that it tends to get on more than just the edge of the wafer.  

It’s annoying, but it doesn’t detract from the usefulness of this product – if you only want it to cover a small area, just press down on the actuator very lightly!

Coloplast Brava Adhesive Removal Spray actuator
The actuator is easy to press, but it can spray a little too much if you aren’t careful!

A single canister may last a few months, but it really depends on how much you use at a time (do you spray the edge only, or continue to spray?), and how often you use it throughout the week.  

Because it does spray so much at a time, you will have to be mindful in controlling the amount of spray it puts out.


At the time of this writing (Jan 2022), the Brava Adhesive Remover spray can be purchased for around CDN$25, and I’ve seen it available worldwide.  

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of adhesive removers.

I’ve seen Coloplast offer samples on their website, but this may only apply to the wipes, not the spray.  It’s best to contact them to find out.


  • Effective at loosening adhesives in various ostomy and medical supplies.
  • Easy to use.
  • Falls within TSA guidelines for carry-on liquid restrictions.
  • The lid is secure and won’t come off accidentally.
  • Non-sting.
  • Leaves no residue.
  • A single bottle can last many appliance changes.
  • No animal ingredients.
  • Available worldwide.


  • You can’t tell when the can is nearing empty.
  • Often sprays too much and too wide (you can control the flow with care).


This product, like other adhesive remover sprays I’ve used, works well to remove wafers and other adhesives.  If you find that you’re in pain every time you remove your appliance because it’s stuck to your skin or hair, I’d suggest giving this product a try.

For more information, or to request samples, please visit:

Question: Have you used this adhesive remover spray? How did it work for you?

2 thoughts on “Coloplast Brava Adhesive Remover Spray: REVIEW”

  1. The Brava adhesive remover wipes left a horrible oily residue for me and they recommended washing it with water to remove it before applying your wafer. Is this product like that? I really like my Sensicare removal spray, but am just curious as to whether this brava spray is better than their wipes.

    • Oily? That would be surprising.

      The only product I know of to be oily are the Allkare wipes by ConvaTec. The Brava spray is nearly identical to Sensicare as they are both based on similar compounds.

      If Sensicare is easier for you to get, stick with it – it is a great product.


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