In the past, I’ve discussed regular and high-capacity ostomy bags, but I never went into detail about the smallest bag of them all: stoma caps!
Is it an Ostomy Bag or an Ostomy Pouch??
I’ve had a few people write to me asking why I use the term “ostomy bag” when talking about ostomies, rather than “pouch”. I’d like to address this very interesting topic in this article!
Coloplast Sensura Mio High-Output ostomy bags: Overview (w/ video)
If you’re a fan of the Coloplast SenSura Mio line and you have a high-output stoma, have I got something for you!
A Practical Guide to Ostomy Filter Stickers (w/ video)
When I was a new ostomate, I remember seeing sheets of stickers included with my ostomy bags and had no idea what they were for.
How to Burp an Ostomy Bag (w/ video)
The term “burping” isn’t something you’d expect to go hand in hand with ostomy care, but it is something that ileostomates and colostomates should familiarize themselves with.
Coloplast Brava Protective Rings: REVIEW (w/ video)
Barrier rings can help to prevent ostomy leaks, but most barrier rings get gooey and melt. Brava Protective Rings are Coloplast’s solution to this problem. But do they work?
Coloplast Brava Lubricating Deodorant Sachets: REVIEW (w/ video)
An ostomy product that I’ve used for many years is the Coloplast Brava Lubricating Deodorant.
Using the Osto EZ-Vent on the Coloplast Sensura Mio (w/ video)
The Osto EZ-Vent is a pretty cool little product that helps you remove gas from your ostomy bag without the need to “burp” your bag at the coupling or outlet.
While it can be installed easily on many bags, there are a few that aren’t as compatible. One of those is the Coloplast Sensura Mio, which has a large pre-filter and a double layer of plastic.