Happy Stomaversary! Celebrating Three Years With an Ostomy: Video Q&A

3 Years with an ostomy HEADER

It’s hard to believe, but three years ago today (on August 21, 2013) I had my ostomy surgery done. 

In those three years, there were a lot of new experiences and positive changes that came about because of my ostomy and I’ve celebrated my stoma ever since!

Last week I had you guys to send me questions, and you did not disappoint!

Here are two video responses I’ve put together which answer those questions.  Enjoy!

Part 1

Three years with a stoma: My ostomy Q&A (Part 1/2)
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Questions answered in this video:

  1. If you take supplements, do you notice that sometimes they don’t absorb correctly and can you see them in your output?
  2. How did you get started doing this?
  3. I’ve been told that for men, eventually, your stomach hair under the wafer will stop growing. Is this what you’ve found?
  4. Has your disease or complications with your appliance ever gotten in the way of something really important in your life, and you come away from it feeling like you are worthless and your disease is ruining your life?
  5. Are supplies covered by insurance for most people, and if not, how much does it cost per month for ostomy supplies?
  6. I’m a very short person and thus probably wouldn’t do well with the standard sized bags. What types would be good for more petite people with an ostomy?
  7. Are you still waiting for Frank?

Additional resources/links from the video:
– OSTOMY CARE TIPS: Medication and Supplements : https://youtu.be/YBlLlmHBH2c
– Guide to Shaving around Your Stoma: Ostomy Tips: https://www.veganostomy.ca/guide-to-shaving-around-your-stoma-ostomy-tips/
– Dealing with Ostomy Supply Costs in Canada: https://www.veganostomy.ca/ostomy-supply-costs-canada/
– Mini Guide to Ostomy Supplies: Pouches/Bags : https://youtu.be/Xg7Yo47cTYE

Part 2

Three years with a stoma: My ostomy Q&A (Part 2/2)
Watch this video on YouTube.
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Questions answered in this video:

  1. How long do you wait before ordering supplies?
  2. Do you eat leafy salads?
  3. What’s the best appliance you’ve ever tested?
  4. Having it for three years, do you feel reassured about your future, or do you worry about it more?
  5. What/how many supplies should I have ready to be prepared when I come home from the hospital?

BONUS: Parody of Bill O’Reilly’s “We’ll do it live” outburst.

Additional resources/links from the video:

– OstoBuddy App Review: Manage ostomy supplies and appliance changes: https://youtu.be/FOV-13F8R3k
– What I eat as a vegan with an ostomy : https://youtu.be/MWUTfUrY9lo
– Ostomy Diet Tips: The First Six Weeks : https://youtu.be/zw5rnsXbk2A
– Ostomy Diet: Beyond Your Recovery: https://www.veganostomy.ca/ostomy-diet-beyond-recovery/
– Hollister New Image ostomy system overview : https://youtu.be/P9GH1AvIM_8
– ComfortBelt ostomy support band: REVIEW : https://youtu.be/WsTAPogZp7s
– Stealth Belt – REVIEW: https://www.veganostomy.ca/stealth-belt-review/
– Bill O’Reilly Goes Nuts : https://youtu.be/O_HyZ5aW76c

Big thanks to everyone who sent in questions! I’m looking forward to the next year with my stoma!

11 thoughts on “Happy Stomaversary! Celebrating Three Years With an Ostomy: Video Q&A”

  1. Hi, Eric! When I was buying extra Hollister closed pouches, I purchased them from Best Buy Medical Supplies out of some place out west in Canada. Their prices were very good and their delivery was really FAST!!! Don’t know if you know about them or not (but I’m assuming you do know). Maybe they can save you some serious money. Best wishes!!!

    • Funny you should mention that! I was using Best Buy Medical, and found out they were owned and operated by Paylesss Medical, so that’s who I use (in addition to CanMedDirect). They all offer great prices and fast shipping! Take care!

      • I was snooping around looking for less costly pouches and came across another outfit called Stomabags. Don’t know for sure but I think they’re in Miami, Florida. I did check their prices for Hollister and they came in just under (by a little tiny amount) of what Best Buy’s prices were. Being as I’m using the Colomajic liners, my 60 closed pouches easily last me the month. I make hash marks on the back of the pouches each time I re-line the pouch, and usually I wear the same pouch on average at least 12, usually more, times before I use it for the last time without a liner and dispose of it because they get rather stinky after a while. As I come across more info, I’ll pass it along. Always looking to save a few bucks wherever we can. G’night, Eric!!!

        • haha – those guys! I’m in Canada, so I’d never be able to order from them (insurance won’t cover it), but they’ve ripped off one of my videos and I see a few more on their Youtube channel that they don’t have permission to use. Not sure why they’d do that – their site look goods and I’m sure they offer great prices/service, but that bothers me.

        • Well, that tells me all I need to know about them. If they’ll rip off your videos, what else will they rip off. Am putting them on my “Do Not Order” list. Thanks for the info!!!!! This is how we find out who’s reputable and who isn’t.

  2. Do you presently take any medication for chron’s like remicaid or humira? I was put on remicaid 3 months before my ileostomy which was 1/9/15 and still have an infusion every 8 weeks. My stoma has given me my life back and you are my favorite YouTuber. I too use the Hollister 2 piece and the material used to fray and pill terribly, just like you complained in your reviews…but my last two supplies have been waaay better. I can’t help but think it’s from your remarks. Haven’t you noticed an improvement?

    Thanks for all you do, Eric!

    • Hi Debbie,

      Thanks for all your support! I don’t take any medication for IBD, but I have my stoma because I wasn’t responding to meds in the first place.

      The new Hollister bags you’ve received – can you tell me what the expiry dates are on them? I got new product in last week, but only clear bags and wafers (I don’t usually use fabric bags). I may order some opaque bags if you feel they’ve been improved in the last little while. Our curiosity, do they have an inspection window? I know that Hollister had plans to bring out new bags, so I wonder if that’s it.

      Take care,


      • Well I may have misled you about my bags. I always wear transparent. BUT the underside always got yucky after about 2 days…until, that is…just lately. I’ve already tossed the box of the one I’m wearing now, but the next box is lot # 6F162 / exp date 06/2021.

        Have you ever tried trio ostomy supplies? If not, Google them. They have a silicone barrier ring that is THE BOMB…or can you use silicone products? They only sell direct to consumer now, but I was told that if ostomates like a product that we can let our suppliers know and that may influence them to carry trio products.

        One more thing…see the comment signed Debbie M from Sunday? That is me…I thought I lost that post but I see it went through after all. Clumsy thumbsey….that’s me!

        • Interesting. I haven’t noticed any difference in my clear bags, and I have a similar batch/expiry date.

          Yes, I’ve sampled them but they don’t stick well to my skin! I can see them being an incredible product for those who use barrier rings.

          The previous comment was in moderation,so I approved it and it’s here! Thank you so much for writing it and sharing your story.

  3. I must have read all your blogs and watched all your videos at least twice and this one is another favorite. Here’s a question for part 3…Do you take any medication now for chron’s…like remicaid or humira? You may have answered this already, but while I have digested all your articles, I didn’t say I had memorized them!

    I started having my chron’s symptoms at the same time of your surgery in Aug. 2013 (I was 59 then) and was diagnosed in late late Dec. 2013. I did ok on prednisone and apriso until July 2014 when I got very sick with C-diff which stayed in my gut despite many rounds of flagyl, vancomycin, and difficid!! Started losing weight, went from 173 (which was was 30 lbs too much) to 104 by late 2014. In Oct 2014 I started remicaid, but kept getting worse. If I hadn’t fainted at home on the way to the pottie on Jan 8, 2015 I might not be here today. I had emergency colectomy and ileostomy surgery the very next day and Stephanie Stoma was born. Saved my life! I still take remicaid infusions every 8 weeks. Had another surgery in Nov 2015 to remove scar tissue which had caused a blockage.

    When I was first diagnosed, never dreaming I’d ever have surgery, I discovered “veganostomy” along with “front butt youtuber” so thank goodness for that. Thanks to you and some others online I was not afraid of life without a colon!

    I am very late in saying this, but Thanks for all you do for us!

    Loved the bill O’Reilly bit at the end too.

    Debbie M.


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