If you’re a fan of the Coloplast SenSura Mio line and you have a high-output stoma, have I got something for you!
Why not a product review? As much as I would love to try these out for a review, my output is too thick to use this appliance the way it’s intended. I have reviewed other SenSura Mio products, which may also be worth checking out.
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Coloplast surprised many of us with their SenSura Mio line.
The Mio’s featured better cloth material in a more neutral colour; an updated filter; several small, but useful changes; and it became an appliance that gets mentioned just about everywhere I look.
Recently, a marketing email from Coloplast caught my attention: High-output pouches were now available in the SenSura Mio line.
Because I wanted to tell you guys about these new products, I immediately jumped on the opportunity to request samples (and Coloplast is very good at sending samples).
That said, like previous articles and reviews on this site, this is not sponsored in any way.
Why These?
There are two main reasons why an ostomate might use an appliance like this:
- They find themselves waking up in the middle of the night to empty their appliance, and they’d like to avoid that.
- They have a very active stoma that fills up regularly sized pouches too quickly.
These high-output bags can solve both of those problems, which is why this is such an exciting product to see.
In addition, there are other scenarios where I can see this being quite handy, especially if you’re a Sensura Mio user already:
- During bowel prep. If you’re asked to do a bowel prep, you may experience high-volume, liquid output. This would be the perfect appliance to wear during that time.
- After surgery. It’s unlikely that you’ll be given a product like this after your surgery. But if you can prepare ahead of time, or already have an ostomy and are going in for another procedure, this may also be useful to keep around.
How Big is Big?
Currently, the “large” SenSura Mio pouches, like large pouches from other brands, have a capacity of about 655ml.
That capacity is often more than enough for many ostomates, especially considering that most people are told to empty their appliance when it’s about 1/3 full anyway.
The new, high-output pouches have a capacity that goes up to over 1100ml depending on the style!

For length, we’re talking 12″ for the #18601 and similarly sized pouches when the outlet is folded up vs. 7.5″ for the Maxi size pouches (also with the outlet folded up).
Comparing the Old with the New
Whenever someone would ask what appliance they recommend for a high-output stoma, I would say the Coloplast SenSura Magnum.
The Magnum still is a recommended product, but the newer Mio pouches may appeal to more people for several different reasons.
The Magnum pouches use a standard, beige cloth material that isn’t terrible, but it’s not great.
The Mio pouches feature a smooth, greyish material that looks modern and clean.
One of the benefits of the newer cloth material is that it repels water better than their previous fabric. That means, it will dry faster and won’t absorb water or sweat.
While it’s not printed on the pouch (as it is on the regular SenSura Mio pouches), I assume the filter on these high-output appliances use the “Circle Filter 430” because they pretty much look the same.
If you’re unaware of the filter system on the SenSura Mio, then it may come as a bit of a surprise as it features a large, circular pre-filter.
This pre-filter is supposed to slow down any output or liquid from reaching the charcoal filter at the top of the pouch.
I’ve had mixed results with it on their smaller pouches due to them clogging up, but I do notice that these high-output pouches seem to have some extra layers to prevent output from heading towards the top of the pouch; this may prove to be more effective at preserving the filter’s function.
As with other Coloplast pouches, you will need to put a filter sticker over the front opening of the filter on these pouches to prevent water (i.e. from a shower) from clogging it).
You’ll want to check with Coloplast to see if filterless options for this pouch are available, if that’s something you prefer.
Coupling Options
The SenSura Magnum pouches only came in the two-piece style with a mechanical coupling that fits on the SenSura Click wafer.
These newer pouches come in one-piece, two-piece with adhesive, and two-piece with mechanical couplings!
Tip: All of these options fit existing SenSura Mio wafers, which is a bonus if you already use SenSura Mio products.
Lots of options to choose from, although using the two-piece pouch allows you to swap the pouch for a smaller bag during the day or during intimacy.
Extra Features
Having a large capacity is only one part of the story and the Mio pouches have more to offer.
Inspection Window
One of my favorite features on opaque pouches are inspection windows.
The regular SenSura Mio products were the first by Coloplast to offer this feature and I’m glad to see it on these larger pouches.

Inspection windows can be helpful when putting on your appliance (especially one-piece systems) as they allow you better visibility and less guesswork when you align your appliance over your wafer.
Inspection windows are also handy when you need to give your stoma a peek to monitor health or the output in the appliance.
Special Drain
Unlike wide outlets, which may be difficult to empty liquid output without causing a mess, these high-output pouches feature a special “spigot” that allows you to control the flow as you empty it by squeezing the base of the outlet.
The outlets look similar to Coloplast’s urostomy bags, but the spout is larger on these high-output outlets because they are intended to drain stool from the pouch.
There are actually two styles available in these pouches:
- Wide-lumen/Hard Outlet, which works well in most cases.
- Soft outlet/Universal Connection, which can be attached to a night drainage bag if needed.
It suffices to say that these pouches are designed to handle liquid or loose output, so they are better suited to ileostomates and not recommended for colostomates.
Folding Drain
While the outlet on these pouches can hang down quite low, Coloplast allows you to tuck it neatly under the cloth material in a special slot they added.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it’s always nice to have the ability to shorten your appliance in certain situations.
Is it Right for You?
At the time of this writing (Jan 2022), these pouches cost approx. two-times what the other Sensura Mio products costs, which is significantly higher (i.e CDN$14 / pouch).
The cost may be prohibitive for some people, especially those paying out of pocket.
You may be able to extend the life of these if you only use them at night by rinsing and reusing your two-piece pouch, otherwise, these should last you about as long as other Sensura Mio products you may have already been using.
If you’ve woken up throughout the night to empty your appliance, I think it’s worth at least exploring this option.
And if you have a stoma that’s very active, these pouches may also benefit you.
For more information on these and other Coloplast products, please visit www.coloplast.ca in Canada. Contact your local Coloplast office to see if/when they will be available in your country.
Question: Do you use any of these? Share your experience below.
Haha these huge bags bring back a memory for me. When I first had gotten my temporary loop Ostomy back in 2017 the nurse threw one of those in there in my take home stuff. Well, here I am brand new at this stuff and was having trouble putting on my bags so I thought ok if I can get this one on I won’t have to worry till the next day and could go in to see the nurses. Well, of course they were booked up so I went to the ER lol!!! To get the bag changed!!!! Can you imagine? They were smiling and very kind even though I should not be in the ER for this but they sent the stoma nurse down from the hospital floor and she was like why do you have on this big huge thing? Back then it was a serious problem to me but now I can look back and laugh. Thanks for the memory. I’m sure these do come in handy for people who have massive output. I kind of liked the plug at the end.
i have opted to go the coloplast route as far as products go…. and there good! if there has been problems for me its due to improper application or i moved to much and broke the seal and casued seepage and didnt change my appliance soon enough and cause skin damage… yada yada yada i love reading the product reviews on this website it is insightful and helpful. however coloplast there are a few things i dont understand about you??? i have had problems with seepage from day one. i am very good with taking instruction and methodology of process. thats the sort of thing i do daily in my profession!! the ET nurse measured my stoma while i was in the hospital to ensure that i would have samples waiting for me, sweet!. so as part of the process the ET nurse sent my stoma measurements to coloplast… mean while i am going threw the process of changing appliance and measureing and looking at product guides and what i determined was that i needed a cut to fit wafer 10-45mm with a 50mm coupling. coloplast you have my measurements!! when i arrived home all the samples that i received where the wrong size??? i recieved from coloplast a cut to fit 10-35mm with a 40mm coupling?? anyone else have these problems?? i feel like i get the run around everytime i talk to them?? have you done this and this and if you say yes i have done all that, then they come around oh well this is a product that may suit your needs…. its like bread crumbs why dont you tell me about the latest and greatest??? i just dont get it???
Hey ileo_chopper. Are you getting these supplies from Coloplast directly or through a medical supplier? Do you know the size of your stoma? Sometimes, your stoma will be fine regardless of the flange size, but it is nice to be consistent.
i get my supplies threw can med direct. since i have been having problems i have been communicating directly with coloplast. they will not sell to you directly. i do know the size of my stoma, the ET nurse measured in the hospital and sent them to coloplast thats why im so confused?? about getting supplies that are the wrong size? and yes thats what im going for is consistency… still need some more time is all.
The size you had after your surgery adjust afterwards for a few weeks. So you might be a different size now, so you need to remeasure and order accordingly.
I found that the transparent pouch is better than the other, because I can use Osto EZ vent with it. The other makes it almost impossible to attach one.
coloplast are useless
Hi. I am currently using this high output system. It really nice, but I wanted to know which night drainage bag can be used with this pouch?
Hi Gurwinder. Only the Soft outlet/Universal Connection will work with a night drainage bag, but you’ll want to contact Coloplast to see what options will work for you. The only night drainage products they have on their website are either for urostomy or attaches to the flange (different system).
Just make sure you match up the pouch to the baseplate as they have different sizes. Not interchangeable. Found out hard way. Call Coloplast to make sure you get the right baseplate that fits pouch you use. Kathy MacPherson GOD SAVE THE USA GOD BLESS OUR POLICE OFFICERS
Actually, Kathy, the really neat thing about these high-output bags is that you don’t have to swap the actual bag out (like you need to with the Assura night drainage bag). You should be able to simply attach a drain to the end of the outlet (only the soft one) and have it drain into a larger bag or container. I have other systems that include the actual drain part, but I don’t know what options Coloplast has for this application specifically. :)
I have tried the nighttime collection bag and felt “cornered" with it. I still have a problem with the “click" – getting it to stay together. I superglue the 2 pieces together and use it as a one-piece. Whatever works and this works for me. Everyone finds a system that works for them or adjusts a system – adapt and prevail :) KathyMac GOD SAVE THE USA GOD BLESS OUR POLICE OFFICERS
Hey guys. I ended up contacting coloplast and they sent me a sample of the 14010 night drainage bag. It works with both soft and tap outlets(I use the coloplast 18601 pouch).They also included this hanging clip if you will that is called Conveen 5070. With it you can hang it. I just hang on the side of my bed. It seems like when you hook up the pipe for the drainage bag to the outlet on the pouch that it will definitely fall off so I just wrapped the pipe end and pouch tap with some 3m micropore tape. With the tape it won’t fall out and now I can finally have a good night sleep. There is not really any information on the web about it so I thought I will write this post to help anyone else who might me wondering.
Great info, Gurwinder. Thanks for sharing. With the tubing on the night drain bag, it seems like you have to have liquid output for it to pass through trouble-free, correct? I know many urostomates use a similar setup, but they don’t have to worry about clogging those tubes like ileostomate/colostomates do.
Yes. I usually have liquid output. It’s a lot easier to drain the pouch in my opinion. It passes through the tubing just fine. I always had a problem during the night with the pouch ballooning with gas so even if my pouch was empty, it would be full of gas, during the day it wont do it. The coloplast filters go bad really quickly so the gas wont escape. I was always worried that I might get a blowout. So far that hasn’t happened but now with the night drainage bag I am worry free.
I disagree. I use the hard outlet and attach a night bag aka fistula bag. If you are talking about attaching a night urostomy bag that is different. I’ve been doing for 5 years now.
Best thing about high-output pouches is 8 hours uninterrupted sleep.
unless it falls off.
Ive had this happen 4 times now.
I need this size of bag otherwise I’d have changed a long time ago. i have massive output
The 2 piece ‘click’ version of THESE BAGS JUST FALLS OFF
Hey, @steoma, I’m sorry to hear that! Is the *bag* falling off, or is the *wafer* pulling off of your skin?
The bag should lock securely, and should NOT come detached once the lock is engaged.
I would also highly recommend using the support band that clips onto the 2-pc, which will remove some weight off the appliance itself.
Hi VeganOstomy
Thanks fso much or responding to me.
It seems THIS problem has been known about for years.
Below is some feedback I happened upon (cant remember where unfortunately) from who I presume to be a beta ‘tester’ of the product from before the item was ‘released’ on to us poor ostomates.
"The wavy plastic ring that ‘click-locks’ is brittle and breaks, (at ANY time without warning) resulting in the pouch falling out. This needs improvement in material and design."
This beta feedback is from YEARS ago and this is precisely the problem I have been encountering, on numerous occasions, IN PUBLIC!
These are the ONLY bags with enough capacity for me.
I have an asurdly high output.
I obviouslly have to use the support band.
I do not want to revert to wearing a very restricting ‘girdle’ type support to cover and keep the bag holding ‘just in case’.
I have reported this problem with the ring to charter / coloplast before but I continue to order the bags in the hope that maybe it was a ‘bad batch’ (which was the reason they tried to ‘fob me off’ with originally), OR that the problem with the product had been resolved at factory level. As it should be. I look forward to THAT.
The capacity of this bag is the ONLY reason I continue to use them but they make me quite literally HOUSEBOUND due to their unreliability.
Fortunately I am now retired so dont need to ‘venture out’ too much but the material used for the ALL SO IMPORTANT ‘click ring’ which EVERYTHING relies upon with this bag NEEDS SORTING OUT IMEADIATELY BEFORE SENDING THSES BAGS OUT. I am so suprised there aren’t many more patients having this problem. Maybe they are and not reporting it, or putting it down to a bad batch as I once did.
How can they even continue to send out a bag that can not be relied upon 100% (or 99.9% at least!)
Hi steoma,
Thank you for sharing that feedback! I haven’t had my hands on this bag in the last few years, so I wonder if there were any changes to the material from when I first got them.
It wouldn’t be unheard of that a company switched material supplier, or made other changes to their products… sometimes these are for the better, but sometimes they have the opposite result.
In light of that, have you been able to sample any other high-capacity bags from other brands?
Or have you considered the 1pc version, so you bypass any problems with having a 2pc coupling? Granted, the 1pc of this high output Mio is a smaller capacity compared to the 2pc, but still larger than the traditional “large" size bag.
I have tried every possible ‘high output’ bag there are available.
None of them compare to the Mio.
I mean if it wasn’t for this problem with the ‘click ring’ (and maybe more robust seams around the tap outlet) these would serve me well.
The material for the click ring obviously needs to have some ‘give’ which would solve THAT problem.
I have to laugh (or I’d cry) at the ridiculous design of ostomy bags in general.
Vast amounts of wasted room around the top flange part, narrowing down in width towards the bottom part. What ARE they thinking?!
There needs to be an actual ‘ostomate’ with a high output stoma in the position of designing these bags.
They dont seem to listen to the ‘testers’ on these high output Mio bags
Only THEN would the design be as it should be
Found the best high-volume pouches for me. Had a chance to try the Coloplast Assura High Output Click pouch (#8114) and had to use the wafer #2881. Through EBay, I got 5 boxes of 10 pouches per box for total of $50 (free shipping). The Wafers come in boxes of 5 and cost about $25/box. The fit is phenomenal and I finally figured out the click system. I still use the Brava tape extenders just for my own peace of mind, even though I have never had any product from Coloplast leak. Getting average of 5-days wear time, too. No skin problems at all. I also still like the fact I don’t have to use all the other stuff – adhesive remover wipes/sprays, adhesive wipes/sprays, powder, etc. I received the one piece high-volume sample from Hollister. Booo. Within about 12 hours, it leaked – as per usual from my experience with Hollister products. Just reporting on my success.
That’s wonderful, Kathy! I’m so glad that setup has been working for you!!