If you’re a fan of the Coloplast SenSura Mio line and you have a high-output stoma, have I got something for you!
Sensura Mio
How to Burp an Ostomy Bag (w/ video)
The term “burping” isn’t something you’d expect to go hand in hand with ostomy care, but it is something that ileostomates and colostomates should familiarize themselves with.
Using the Osto EZ-Vent on the Coloplast Sensura Mio (w/ video)
The Osto EZ-Vent is a pretty cool little product that helps you remove gas from your ostomy bag without the need to “burp” your bag at the coupling or outlet.
While it can be installed easily on many bags, there are a few that aren’t as compatible. One of those is the Coloplast Sensura Mio, which has a large pre-filter and a double layer of plastic.
Coloplast Sensura Mio 2pc: REVIEW (w/ video)
When I had tested the one-piece SenSura Mio appliance, I was a bit disappointed but found enough strong points to recommend it to most ostomates. The two-piece system has been something that I’ve been looking forward to trying, and here’s my review!
Disclosure: This review is based on samples I received through the Coloplast customer service dept, as well as samples received during a patient feedback program. No other compensation was provided, and both my experience and opinions are completely my own.
Coloplast SenSura Mio Ileostomy Bag: OVERVIEW (w/ video)
It seems that Coloplast has been busy making changes to products based on feedback from their users. This is a great thing to see, and I’m happy to be giving you this product overview on the newly designed SenSura Mio pouches for ileostomates.
Coloplast Sensura Mio 1pc #10471 – REVIEW (w/ video)
Finding the right ostomy appliance is just as important as finding the right pair of shoes to wear.