When I was tagged by my friend to be part of the IBD Advocacy Tag, I was like, “OH, HELL YEAH!!”.
IBD related problems
Introducing: Videos!
I’m happy to be unveiling my latest website addition: The Videos Page!
Nine Years with Crohn’s Disease
October 24th isn’t a day I tend to celebrate as it marks the day I received my diagnosis for Crohn’s Disease back in 2008.
Busting IBD Misinformation: Tips for Patients
A huge number of patients who have a chronic illness will turn to the internet to get their information. Unfortunately, most of the information they come across won’t be true.
Talking About Protein, Anemia, Eating as a Vegan Ostomate, and More! (w/ video)
On March 15th, 2017 I spoke to the members of Ostomy Toronto as a guest speaker.
Canadian Disability Tax Credit: OSTOMY TIPS
Here in Canada, ostomates often have to pay for ostomy supplies out-of-pocket.
Walt Disney World Resorts with an Ostomy or IBD: TIPS (w/ video)
Ask a kid one place they’d want to visit, and Disney will be at the top of their list. Adults are no different, and a visit to a Disney park is often somewhere on our bucket list.
Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet: Tips From an Expert
Transitioning to a plant-based diet, especially when you have IBD, will require some planning.
Colonoscopy Prep: TIPS
Ahhh, colon prep! When I had a colon, this use to be something I did not enjoy doing (does anyone??), but it was a necessary part of making sure that I was properly cleaned out before my GI could scope me.
Fiber: Friend or Foe to someone with Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
For the longest time, I remember fiber being the sworn enemy of someone who has Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis.
In fact, the suggestion to go on a low-fiber diet when you have IBD is often one of the first ones you’ll hear – but is that the best thing to do?