IBD Awareness Week

IBD Awareness week 2018 header

Dec 1 – 7, 2018: I’m late to the party (life happens), but I want to welcome new patients, veteran patients, and their loved-ones to #IBDAwarenessWeek.

Note: IBD Awareness Week is primarily promoted in the US and UK. In Canada, we have Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Month in November.

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Diseases back in 2008 – over a decade ago! My illness has taken me for wild ups and downs, and I’ve been able to connect with other people who have shared a similar story.

P..S. My full story can be read here.

If you have IBD, know that you aren’t alone. It may often feel like an upward battle, and you may begin to lose hope, but know that with the help of your healthcare team and the IBD Community, you will be well-supported and in good hands.

my ibd infographic

If you’re interested in catching up with IBD Awareness Week (and the special chats, events, and live streams happening this week), I suggest following the #IBDAwarenessWeek hashtag on social media.

1 thought on “IBD Awareness Week”

  1. Eric, the first time I read your story, many parts of it felt like mine, but with less wounds to heal and about fifty more years of pain and illness and frustration. It gave me a chance to show and further educate my adult children. I admire your strength and courage in all matters of IBD and your energy and mindfulness to produce this awesome informative, no secrets here, site. When I stumbled across it, I did not know that I needed it so badly. The information was more then I had ever been offered by my doctors. I needed to know there were others out in the world with these issues and to be understood most of all. Before, I always took the opportunity to help and encourage another facing similar situations and surgery. But here, on your site I could try and help others to figure things out without all the struggles I had gone through. Let me encourage you today that you have done and still do an amazing job with products, information and a slew of ideas to help others. Not to mention feedback and the ability to say  almost out loud that I may need help or encouragement at any time, and, have that need met when so few really understand unless they have been thru it.  So, let me acknowledge that you SIR, have done an amazing job and that I along with so many others am very grateful for you and what you have produced. I admire your accomplishments and the brave that is you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my stoma and my pouch! Great JOB man!!! Thank you to your family who gives you the reign to help so very many people and for the need of this information in todays society. God bless their hearts and yours. Very sincerely, Linda.


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