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Hi Stella, In my neck of the woods we say some one like yer husband has a “dry wit” meaning a a sharp sense of humour able to find a joke or quip out of any situation. laughter is the best medicine and reliefs stress. Even when In hospital I always loves a joke and a “ bit of crack” with the staff. (Northern Ireland term for fun not drugs lol) have a look some time at Eric’s ostomeme site i think you and yer Hubby will enjoy it 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Thank you John. It was not my intention to offend anyone. Anyone can say what they like about me, but please don't criticize people you don't even know. My husband does not have a cruel bone in his body. He is angel who has been very supportive of me throughout this whole event in my life. He is very sensitive to my feelings and would say nothing that would hurt them. He also knows that I have a pretty good sense of humor (a little warped at times, I admit) and would not be offended by his playful remark.If he knew that this upset anyone, he would feel terrible. As I do not wish to see my husband hurt, I have chosen not to show him this response to my previous entry in the forum.


john68 reacted
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Hey Linda No I wasn't kidding I really did not know what cukes were Lol . Maybe I need to eat more veggies Haha . If you ever feel like ordering Dates again look up Shields Date Garden Indio California . The place is always packed and people really like them . The Carolina Reaper pepper on a scoville unit scale can be as much as 1,569,300 on average they say they are exceptionally hot ! I use it in a powder form as the actual pepper is hard to find here . I do like the heat when I feel like it but believe me I do use it sparingly !!! I have tried growing garlic too but didn't have any luck . $.79 for a lime wow ! I believe it here the Meyer Lemons like I grow are $1.00 each in the store and they are small mine are about the size of an Orange .

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
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Hey Eric I have some Habanero's growing they kinda look like a Scotch Bonnet but the Scotch Bonnet is a little sweeter and hotter than the Habanero . The Carolina Reaper can be as much as 2,200,200 SHU and now there are 2 more even hotter Dragons Breath and Pepper X .....

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
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Eric check out the Sonoran Spice Company you can order the peppers in powder forms . A little goes a long way !!!

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
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Marcie, what kind of herbs do you like to use fresh when you grow them?  I love Basil  Rosemary and Thyme as well as Tarragon which s wonderful in home made soups and stews, also  Oregano is a must.  Something I really enjoy is when O make popcorn, I love to put herbs in the bit of melted butter and put it o the popcorn. y fav. blend is  Oregano and Basil. I am sure flat leaf Parsley is growing in my back yard and also occupationally a volunteer Dill. 

Last year I had dehydrated so many tomatoes ( love them) that I decided I would dry them so dry they would crumble.  After  thoroughly dry, I put them in my food processor and blended them to a powder.  I love this on my eggs, potato salad and whatever you like.  A bit back we were talking about weird food combinations, Robert, have you ever tried putting canned tomatoes on your mashed potatoes?  This is something my folks taught us from there farm days.  I always heat the tomatoes  in a glass before I put them on my spuds...just in case...Robert, spuds and 


Robert reacted
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Hi Folks, one thing you have on yer side is sun shine, a friend of mine grew grapes in his green house. they looked the part but boy where they bitter!!

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Robert reacted
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No offense here Stella.  My hubby, before he died summed it up real well for me..."honey I love you so much I can feel your pain and what you are going through just being beside you all the way with you."   He was a wonderfully supportive person and I miss him and his dry wit and even occasional sarcasm something awful.  When they removed his spleen and left him with one massive scar like mine, I felt his pain also. It is wonderful to have had a spouse that was so caring. It is because of him I found out the pain I was having was not normal.  Something I had had since I was 10 years old. He had been healthy all his life and when he had been hit with pancreatic cancer it hurt me as badly as it did him.  Stella, if you  put your notes on paper and wrote to your hearts content, I am sure you could come up with a useful informative  book to help someone else. My situation happened in a way I never imagined, I would have loved the chance to research and learn from Eric site back then, but it had not been born yet.  I love that your husband likes to write.  I too write poetry and have been published in it also.  Write to a publishing company, tell them you have a book in you and you want to know if they can help you with guidelines as to where to start. Do not tell them the topic.  It will be in regards to health so you will have to make sure your facts are bang on.  Let us know if you pursue this or not. Maybe some would be willing to share there stories with you to share in your book. write a list of questions you would have liked answered before hand and put an add in the paper to interview other ostomates. Just a few ideas.



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Hey Robert, I thought there was a pepper plant called the Ghost?  I  probably wrong. Correct me if I am, but it was to be hottest pepper from what I remember.  Your new one sounds awfully wicked!  How do your guts hold up to heat like that?  I am not brave enough to try more than the try I give.


Robert reacted
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Marcie, I tried to see what the members stories had to say.  There is really not that many there. Yours was the longest and interesting. You have been through a lot. Still going through a lot too.  I am naturally curious so I went thru them all last night and this morning.

Eric, are you reading this?  You see, while I was going thru them, I found that three people or companies have hi-jacked the members stories for adds.  If you want to know what addresses let me know, I wrote them down. I do not know if you can remove them or not, but I thought that was kind of rude of them. One for prom dresses and the other two for circuit boards and something else. I was not sure if you can do something bout that or not or if you were aware of them.


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Posted by: Linda Knelsen

Eric, are you reading this?  You see, while I was going thru them, I found that three people or companies have hi-jacked the members stories for adds.  If you want to know what addresses let me know, I wrote them down. I do not know if you can remove them or not, but I thought that was kind of rude of them. One for prom dresses and the other two for circuit boards and something else. I was not sure if you can do something bout that or not or if you were aware of them.

Thanks for letting me know. 

I will check it out, but please either private message me, report the post (using the "report" button under the offending post), or email me with details. The report post works best as it will link directly to the post in question. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Happy 4th of July to all the American Ostomates. :-) 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Robert reacted
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Linda, agreed!!  So lets get some quote's on the lounge-- or a separate area Eric??  :-0????

Yes, some funny ones will be helpful as we all do get into the dumps at times. And some that are faith full filled-or a get u and go...… I could use some ha ha's...… :-)

New blood of such will be welcomed.  Which is what I suggested before.  Hope Stella and hubby comes forth and Linda you too. Sounds like you all are gifted. Just write away-- This also shows who you are and some CAN connect with your feeling-and add on..just like trying out new products and combatting the rash's we get.  Now, those are not ha ha's- but at least we can get some laughs from each other of everyday life  OUR NEW LIFE !! 


2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie..

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Posts: 700

Good Morning All .

Linda I know what the spuds are Lol cause I eat a lot of them . Hahaha . I love mashed potatoes with gravy or butter but here we go again I don't eat tomatoes either . Haha . I do eat sauces made with them but I don't like sliced on burgers etc. I'm different I guess don't like onion either but like the flavor go figure . Lol . Yes there is a Ghost pepper I have the Ghost pepper , Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and Carolina Reaper all crushed to powder form and that is the order they are ranked in hot or SHU . Good stuff ! No problem with the guts eating them but because I have my Norman I don't have to worry about burning when coming back out either !!!! Ah hahaha !

John thank you Lad for the Happy 4th of July !

And Happy 4th of July to all my USA ostomates !

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
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Posts: 651

Hi everyone,

Just a fun "opinion poll": What is your preference, coffee or tea and what flavors? I am a one cup of coffee in the morning, then I enjoy either Jasmine green tea or Earl Grey in the afternoon and sometimes decaf coffee in the evenings (on cooler days - it's been unusually hot these past few days!) 

My father loved both coffee and Irish tea, which he would buy at the Irish Import shop he frequented. You could cut my dad's coffee with a knife and his tea was so strong it could knock one's socks off! My mother enjoyed her coffee in the morning, which she made for herself, then it was decaf Red Rose tea after that. (Her mom was Canadian and also enjoyed her Red Rose.)


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Hi Stella, I would be a tea man, has to be strong (what we call builders tea) yer Dad was showing his Irish roots. Why tea? well its an all rounder! it cools you down in hot weather and on a cold day nothing beats holding a warm cuppa. And tea is best out of a cup and not a mug. Coffee now and again, I have friends who go to great lengths buying coffee beans and having long debts about places selling the best coffee. its lost on me. lol


ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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I have to take the side of coffee in this one.  I like mine a little on the strong side, with butter pecan creamer.  I usually only have one large cup, early in the morning, then try to avoid caffeine for the rest of the day.  I do love the southern "sweet tea", but don't drink it very often.

UC since 2002, subtotal colectomy Dec. 2016, proctolectomy Nov. 2018.

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I enjoy coffee but it must be decaf or I  fly for about 40 hours straight then pay for it later ...not fun.  When I have coffee, It must have lots of sugar and lots of cream. The thicker the better.  Due to calories in this, I rarely have coffee.  When I do it is usually because I have somewhere to go  if there is some real coffee around I will sneak about a tablespoon of real coffee in it to get  me thru the whole day.  Then it is like the Duracell bunny has fresh super powered batteries. I will  mostly drink decaff tea as I do seem to be affected badly by caffeine. I really enjoy Lady Grey Tea and Earl Grey and English Breakfast Tea when I can find it in decaf. Also, Very Berry Teas when I make my own Ice Tea.  No sugar, no milk, no cream. Straight up with the bag in the pot for about 6 -8 min.  about 3 in a mug.  Hot or cold is just great for me. I never squeeze the bag.  


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Marcie, I am not sure what you are after for quotes...but....

Ostomates are moving about that,  or,  Ostomates are always on the go. Is that the kind of thing you are after? I thought I had seen some quotes or something on some shirts I thought were on Eric in a video...hmmm? 

That is all I have lady! Sorry, I tried.


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The one who falls and gets up 


So much stronger than the one who never falls...…...

2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie..

Robert reacted
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