OMG! hard boiled eggs! Why do they make our ileostomy poop so stinky? I usually eat scrambled so I've never really noticed a bad smell. Hey there... it is almost funny how different foods react to our new plumbing compared to before. Are you using the M9 liquid ostomy deodorant in your pouch?? If you can afford it at all M9 will make a world of difference for you!! Its the one thing I nake sures I buy every month & eventually I bought a few bottles a month to save on postage & habdling fees. That saved me money right off the bat! Try to remember too that if your introducing new foods on the forbidden food list which we were all given going home with our jew Ostomy, tgat new foods you ate before can be done carefully, you will notice how your body handles them differently until it adjusts to them. Just have fun with it & remember everything in moderation to start with. Have you ever named your Stoma?? Many of us have & it does help you adjust to having one, even if its a nasty name of revenge for a while! Lol! My stoma had about 6 different names, some were in the bad language catagory, lol, as I adjusted to her, but she is staying with her name of "Rose" bcuz it really is an amazing beautiful lifesaving thing to have! Linda Hi, I do use M9. I used to use another brand that was cheaper and worked just as well but they changed the formula and it does not agree with me. So I now bite the bullet and just pay for the M9. I've tried almost every deoderant out there and M9 is the only thong that works but sometimes I find certain foods cam outdue the M9 in which I've found hard boiled eggs. Tuna fish also. So I will now only eat these things of Im not going anywhere.
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