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Partial Colectomy....bad reactions to antibiotics since surgery 2 years ago.

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About 6 weeks ago, was really sick with flu and bronchitis for a month.. Started a regimen of Amoxicillin. Got diarrhea and felt awful. So stopped the Med. Everything cleared up eventually. A few days ago, developed a UTI, was on a 3 day regimen of Bactrim. It cleared up the Uti, but 2 days after, diarrhea non stop. Took imodium, but didn't help. It is still ongoing, but slowing down a bit. I see my Primary tomorrow. I am concerned about any future antibiotics I may need to take in the future though. Does my partial colectomy play a role to being resistant to Antibiotics??

LK reacted
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I doubt it.    ive been on doxycycline over 3 times since my colostomy.   once for over 8weeks.  then a couple short tooth infection rx's.     your past posts show a substantial lack  of having a balanced diet.   get a proper balanced diet going.     

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@dogtalkerer I have been on an excellent balanced diet now for a long time. Can eat anything I want. My Story has nothing to do with it. There is such a thing as being antibiotic resistant. Your answers are rather harsh. I would appreciate it if you don't respond to anymore of my concerns!

LK, LLNorth, john68 and 1 people reacted
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@jillian it is fairly common for medication to affect ostomy output, either constipation, or diarrhea. I have the same reaction as you do to antibiotics - loose output that gets worse the longer I am on the meds. It’s a good idea to have a conversation with your doctor about what you are experiencing, and ask if there are ways to possibly mitigate these effects. I also find that Imodium doesn’t help with antibiotics effect loose output. 🙁Hope you’re feeling better soon.



Just a semicolon

LK, LLNorth, VeganOstomy and 1 people reacted
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@tigerlily Thank you so much for your reply Laurie! I feel better having read your post. I see my Doctor tomorrow. Will keep you posted!👍


LK, LLNorth, john68 and 1 people reacted
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@jillian also ask your doctor how much Imodium you can take in one day - perhaps taking more might make a difference. My surgeon told me a long time ago that I could take up to 8 Imodium tablets in a day, but honestly, 6 made me so drowsy I couldn’t stay awake. But you might be different, so it never hurts to ask. Also, I wonder if some of the foods that bulk up output might help - things like potatoes, rice, applesauce, tapioca, marshmallows, white bread, green bananas. Having diarrhea is no fun, as many of us on this site can vouch for.



Just a semicolon

LK, VeganOstomy and john68 reacted
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I'm so sorry to hear what you've been going through, @jillian.

Antibiotics are notorious for upsetting our microbiome, and causing diarrhea as a result. I've experienced the same in the past.

This video might be of interest for you (regarding antibiotic induced diarrhea):

Since you have a shorter gut, it doesn't help with the situation, since our colon is meant to absorb fluids.

But I echo @tigerlily about asking your doc about taking Imodium and consuming foods that could help with firming up your output.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK and Tigerlily reacted
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@veganostomy fascinating video! I’ll never look at smoothies the same way again!😵‍💫



Just a semicolon

LK reacted
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VO, if a shorter gut meant less fluid absorbed, then pancaking would never occur.  there is more complicated things going on.   poor diet will result in a less stable digestive system that can be disrupted easily.   i took no probiotics with all my antibiotics, but i try to eat a well rounded diet.

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@jillian  ...Hi Jillian!! It's very nornal to need to back up antibiotics with something to slow the gut down.  I'm 15 years with SGS, short gut syndrome.  I ALWAYS  have really watery output with the occasional pancaking. (It is possible no matter what a certain other thinks.)

I get even worse watery output on antibiotics, but, there are a few things I've learned to do on my own to combat the issues without more meds to do the job.  I hate taking drugs to slow my guts  down, they kind of make me so feel out of it. 

I've experimented a lot with foods to help me stay hydrated & keep me out of the E R.  for IV fluids. After seeing Erics video he posted, lol,  I'll  never look at a blender the same way either, lol,  note, that procedure should NEVER be done without medical supervision. 

 I do enjoy a fruit smoothy almost daily esp. on Antibiotics & in summer,  Made in the magic bullet. I add 1/3 cup in a magic bullet size cup of plain or Vanilla Yogurt, 1/3 frozen  blueberries, some Strawberries & mango but a lot of Blueberries esp. on antibiotics, the rest is orange juice but you can add whatever fruits you enjoy, home frozen banana slices or frozen mashed in a zip baggie with a shot of lemon juice are great too, once in baggie, mash with some LJ or even OJ to help prevent browning, flatten then divide with your hand into 4 secrions & freeze flat-ish. Its easier to get out of the zip baggie & into the bullet cup.   Blueberries are a great anticarcinogen.  Also you can add any milk you enjoy instead of OJ.  I like to add a bit of vanilla & some Tumeric. Turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory. I give several good shakes on top then blend it.  Be careful, too much can give a bitter taste to your smoothie. 

Just eating Yogurt after every meal also  helps with stabilizing your guts reaction to antibiotics. I always have yogurt on hand & freeze the single portions for when I'm not well enough to run to the store. A 20 second or so Zap in the microwave with the lid OFF,  softens it enough to an icecreamy texture if you need it immediately. 

The other things I do to help thicken output & help me absord more vitamins is, I eat about 1 1/2 cups of cubed, (my fav. Squash)  Butternut Squash a day. I'm actually keeping this up for 3 1/2  months now bcuz I've noticed that my hair was so thin from the anemia & now its starting to grow in again...yay! Its been 7 years with loosing my hair. Plus its safe for dogs to eat & concidered a superfood for them, so why not for us humans too!  Butternut Squash is loaded with good vitamins.   My son comes once a week & cuts 2 of them, say about 14 inch or so long squash & then cuts the peeled squash into pieces.  He cuts the slices in about 3/4 inch chuncks for me. I store it in a zip bag with a half sheet of paper towel to absorb extra moisture in the bag.  Bcuz I'm so tired by dinner time, I place it in a bowl & add some Butter or Olive Oil & whatever herbs I enjoy on the pieces. I cover with a piece of crinkled up & then  flattened parchment paper layed on top of it & Zap it for 4 min. & then stir, Zap another 2 min. then 1 min. At a time until done, testing the biggest pieces with a fork, not a knife, cook based on how you like it done. I DON'T measure them, I just dump what looks like 1 1/2  cups into a zap proof bowl. I REALLY don't like mushy foods unless it's lumpy mashed potatoes with gravey!! Lol! So I find this method gives a nice,  just past tender crisp texture if you were steaming it. No mush! NOTE, I enjoy a good balanced dinner with my squash. Mix 1/2 squash & 1/2 of other veggies if preferred. 

You can also add it to a sheet pan dinner & cook it in the oven giving it another wonderful flavor.  It takes about 35 to 45 min. based on chunck size. I've  baked 3/4 inch thick round slices of the neck part of the squash & its so yunmy with a bit of carmelization on it! Even guests who don't typically eat squash have commented that they were surprised it tasted so good. 

I also eat 1 to 2 granola bars a day to help thicken output , but chew the oats very well & have some fluids with it as they absorb fluids & you still want to avoid a blockage. I've found these few things have worked so well with my crazy very short guts, it's been on the amazing ride. Though I still have a few absorption issues, eating the squash & smoothies & granola bars has helped tremendously for watery output & I've  lmactually put on a little weight for the first time in 11  years & it feels so much better to sit on a hard chair now! Lolol. 

Please run stopping anything your Doctors prescribe for you before stopping them. You can safely add the above ideas along with the Immodium type meds, but talk to your Doctor first if they do not help.  

I hope this helps your very NORMAL well balanced diet Issue with antibiotic reactions! Jillian, Please keep us is in the loop. 


Tigerlily reacted
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@dlkfiretruck lots of good information there, Linda. You’re very good at providing us with great detailed information. Just a caution - turmeric can aggravate gallbladder problems, as I found out the hard way. I didn’t know. I was taking a turmeric supplement when I unknowingly had gallstones. I don’t know if that’s what pushed my gallbladder over the edge and caused the attacks, but I only found out after it was removed that people with gallbladder issues should avoid taking turmeric. Who knew?



Just a semicolon

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