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Surgery went well
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Surgery went well

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i had my big repair surgery on monday july 9

it went well and the doc is very pleased with the results

i did loose quite a bit of blood during surgery so i had to spend the night in ICU but went right to a regular room on tuesday morning

they gave me an abdominal pain block before surgery so the pain afterwards was not horrible but my hips hurt from the way they had me laying on the table so the whole cutting down on the pain meds was a wash

i came home on friday afternoon and things have been going well i have only been taking advil for the pain and it does the trick

i get my staples out on wednesday or thursday and am waiting on a call to schedule my follow up appt

just wanted to give you all an update on me and say thanks for all your kind words

God when you choose to leave mountains unmovable oh give me the strength to sing it is well with my soul

Empoweringpts9, Sasquatch, Dona and 2 people reacted
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Yay! I hope your recovery continues to go well.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Thanks for letting us know. Keep healing. Getting on to Advil or Tylenol ASAP is a really good thing to do.

Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

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Awesome to hear, warm wishes for the recovery end of it.

UC since 2002, subtotal colectomy Dec. 2016, proctolectomy Nov. 2018.

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That is really good news. Feet up and take it easy. :-) 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Great News! May God speed your healing!


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So glad to hear your surgery went well.  The pain block you talk about, is that the epidural? The needle in the back to numb you better? I hope that pain has settled down for you well. Feel better everyday. Get your rest!  



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The pain block was not an epideral it is called a Tap Block and it goes into your abdomenal muscles begore the surgery begins...very easy and it worked very lasted about 48 hours

thanks everyone each day is a little better than the one before

God when you choose to leave mountains unmovable oh give me the strength to sing it is well with my soul

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 The Tap Block  is the same type of pain blocker I got.  They used a mobile scanner and found the actual nerve  that needed to be blocked. It worked really well.

Good to hear you are getting better!


Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

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Posts: 112

I had the Tap Block when I had surgery, it worked great.  I was walking hallways at the hospital the next day.  Mine must have lasted a couple of days, I remember having more pain after I got home from the hospital than when I was there.  Of course that could have been from going back to my regular bed when I got home, the hospital bed made it so much easier to get up.

UC since 2002, subtotal colectomy Dec. 2016, proctolectomy Nov. 2018.

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Its amazing how far surgery has come over the years, That is a procedure I am not familiar with! Plus Sasquatch theirs a problem i would say most folk have after surgery is sitting up and getting out of bed, that over head handle is very useful rather than rolling round like a turtle on its back lol.

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Wow...I had no idea that there was such a tap block. That is amazing. I have never had handles over my bed to use, but I did use the bed  to help raise my upper body to make it easier to get out of bed. I always walked as soon as they said too. Also, standing up tall and straight is  important too. I have seen so many patients not get up and walk when told to, they are the ones who have a more difficult time. The more active after surgery, it is so much better for you when you get home. I only stayed in bed at home if I rested in the afternoons. But I always got up and moving just like you have to when you have a C-section  and a baby.  No time to baby mommy that's for sure. You recover so much faster moving around.  But, at the same time, it is vitally important to pay attention to pain levels and listen to your body. Always ask what are the normal activities you can return to, riding a motorcycle may not be normal. Lol.  Rest is so important in healing. Finding the balance can be tricky, but it is worth while. I always went outside when ever I could also, it helps to clear the brain from the drug fog...especially anesthetic!

Thank you all so much for teaching me something new. We are blessed to have so much intelligence out  in the world of medicine. Never boring for sure! At this point I am curious and will ask what you all had for pain relief when you got home. Malsgal, your fresh out of  surgery and hospital...I want to hear what you have also please. Anyone else had surgery recently...join in. Love to have you. I have been sent home with just instructions for regular Tylenol. Is that the normal?



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Hi Linda,After three nights in the hospital I just used Extra strength Tylenol .when I went home .I took them every 6 hours or whatever the MAX dosage per day was. Worked fine. I was able to taper off those after a few more days.  It does hurt when you move around, but I think we have to accept a bit of pain into our lives from this surgery ... at least temporarily.

They sent me home with an Oyxcontin Rx, but I never used it. Best not to use addictive drugs if you can help it. Plus... those make me vomit.

While in hospital they did switch me to liquid Tylenol after I had the self administered pain pump thing with the morphine ( ?) like stuff in it. Made me hallucinate...but took care of the pain. Happy to stop it.

Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

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They have sent my home from all my surgeries with oxy scripts for pain i only take it when absolutely necessary i use the tylenol or advil every six hours which seems to do the trick most of the time

God when you choose to leave mountains unmovable oh give me the strength to sing it is well with my soul

john68 reacted
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Wonderful! I am happy to hear you are home again. Now you can really start to heal up!

Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

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Wow, Oxy huh. I have always had a huge incision with my surgeries. Four fingers below the V in my ribs to the top of my pubic bone.  There has always been lots of scar tissue to work past also. I have been told I cultivate more then the average person. Often leaving me feel like I had been badly beaten. On going home, it was usually with just  E.S.Tylenol. But, I am usually in a good ten days after surgery. I have found this all very interesting.  The one time I had an epidural, it came out when they moved me onto the bed in the room. Because of tape, no one noticed. I was in so much pain for three days. Thought I was going nuts.  Then I noticed I was sweating a lot one day and the nurse decided to change that pad behind me. She is the one who found the leak. From then on,  they were very attentive to the pain I had.

Thank you. Linda.


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Malsgal, how are you doing this week? Have things settled down?  You have been on my mind a fair deal and thought I would let you know. I hope you feel well and that all is going great for you...or as great as things can be when healing from surgery! Take a deep breath. My favorite encouragement to myself is...I am okay so far!


