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I'd like to learn more about irrigation. 

VeganOstomy reacted
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I have a strong feeling that once more colostomates join the forum, we'll have a lot of discussions about irrigation as it's a topic that many people ask about!


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I've just started to irrigate. I've had several successes and two fails. It's definitely a good quality of life improvement so far. I know I have a lot to learn!

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I irrigate every time I empty my pouch.  Then add a few drops of lubricating deodorant. my insurance  only allows for 8 oz a month.  can vegetable oil or baby oil be used in its place 

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Hi Barbandbud,

How long does it take you to irrigate usually? And how long can you get in between emptying your bag?

As far as lubricants go, I've heard of people using all kinds of stuff, including oils. They should be safe for your stoma, but oil may break down the wafer and cause leaks to happen faster.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Sarah Green
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Most people who irrigate do it daily (or every other day) and it takes 1/2 to an hour, but after that they have no output from their stoma in between 

Unfortunately it's not suitable for those with a ileostomy, Crohns or heart / kidney problems 

The following is useful information


VeganOstomy reacted
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Maybe I used the wrong word.  What I do is rinse it out after I empty my pouch.  After that I put in a few drops of deodorant.   I'm using the coloplast convex, trying that system.  Only have had this since end of March so still trying different things   maybe I use too much deodorant and insurance only pays for so much, that is why I was asking if there was a home remedy to use.

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Ah, I understand. You could use the word irrigation to describe rinsing the bag out, but more commonly it refers to bowel irrigation. 

A few people mentioned putting a TicTac inside their bag as an alternative to using pouch deodorants. I haven't tried it myself, but that might be an interesting alternative. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I use the brava deodorant more for cleaning out the bag, not so much to eliminate the smell.  I use coloplast pouches and they told me not to rinse, but I do anyway.   Seems to keep my stoma cleaner.  You said people tried tic tacs. That's for smell, not for cleaning, right 

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Posted by: Barbandbud3

I use the brava deodorant more for cleaning out the bag, not so much to eliminate the smell.  I use coloplast pouches and they told me not to rinse, but I do anyway.   Seems to keep my stoma cleaner.  You said people tried tic tacs. That's for smell, not for cleaning, right 

Ah, ok. I use plain water to rinse my bags when emptying. I don't find that it causes any problems with wear times or anything like that, but if your wafer is already eroded, then I could see it leaking in that case.

After you rinse with water, you can add whatever deodorant you like - whether it's TicTacs or the Brava lubricant :) 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I have previously used a spray bottle to wash out the inside edges of my bag. I recently purchased a "Hand Held Bidet " from Amazon.  I have found this item to be very convenient in cleaning my pouch.  

The Hand Held Bidet is attatched to water intake leading to the toilet tank and the nozzel attaches to either the wall or top of the toilet tank. It provides a constant source of pressurized water that is extremly effective in cleaning out my pouch after emptying.  

The water pressure is controlled through the hand held nozzel as well an adjustable included part for that attatches to the toilet tank.  

It was well worth the $47.00 cost and is easily installed with the parts provided.

I will provide photos If someone would explain the process of uploading photos to the forum. 




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Posted by: Dan

I have previously used a spray bottle to wash out the inside edges of my bag. I recently purchased a "Hand Held Bidet " from Amazon.  I have found this item to be very convenient in cleaning my pouch.  

This is a great option! Could you post information about it in the "tips and tricks" forum? This specific thread is about colonic irrigation, not rinsing out our bags. 

I will provide photos If someone would explain the process of uploading photos to the forum. 

You'll see an "attach file" at the bottom of the window where you type in your post. Just add them using that.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Thanks V.O. Will do

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Hi Dan!  I did the same thing after watching a YouTube video about the hand held bidet attached to toilet line. I used a spray bottle before like you. I LOVE the bidet!  It works great and is so convenient. No downside regarding leaks or less wear time. Also, I have an ileostomy so this is not irrigation it is just bag rinsing. I do it every time I empty my bag and then add GelPlus for deodorant/lubricant. After a year of trial and error this process works great for odor and it just feels cleaner to me. 



54 years Type 1 Diabetes, insulin pump, CGM, neurological complications, retinopathy, and autoimmune CIDP. Nerve damage led to ileostomy in 1/2015.

Dan and VeganOstomy reacted
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Hi Jattzl,  

The bidet has been a great addition to my ensuite bathroom. The constant supply of water as well as the water pressure make cleaning super easy. I love it. 

I recently posted a photo on the Forum Tips and Tricks.

Jattzl reacted