Let's discuss diet after your recovery phase! Ileostomates will need to exercise more caution than colostomates, so keep that in mind. My full article on this topic can be found by clicking on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I know you aren't into the whole meat thing, but for those who are: personally, I find greasy, fatty, or tough meat almost impossible to digest. If it does digest, then most times these types of meat cause major output problems. I have also been told that when trying meats, make sure you eat it in small bits until you know how your ostomy will handle it. Try small quantities and work from there. Hi Bertina, Yes, many people will experience problems with several types of meat, so they avoid it. Most ileostomates are asked to avoid meats that are in casings, like sausage, since it can cause a blockage. Fatty foods in general don't sit well with people who have digestive problems, and are especially problematic for ostomates who've had their small bowel resected. Take care! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I've watched the commercials for the Nutrablast products and just received a two-for-one-plus-postage offer (one for home and one for camper). I haven't used it yet; I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow to pick up a few of their suggestions of produce. Since so many things are hard to digest rather than avoid them and lose out on their benefits, I thought I'd give this a try since it's supposed to liquefy particularly fruits and veggies. I'm wondering if others have tried this option and what their success has been in so doing. I'll most likely get the most use at my camper in Vermont since there is so much produce available in the area during the summer months. Blending is a great option. I prefer it over juicing because it keeps the fiber but breaks it down enough to pass through our system without much trouble. Have fun! I've actually had to give up all fruits but bananas and Apple sauce and all veggies other than those baked pea chip things. Idk why but even potatoes plug me up unless they are mashed . I'm looking into buying a nutribullet and making smoothies because i mostly eat candy and protein bars or raw protein. It's very sad because I love fruits and veggies and I got the ostomy hoping I'd be able to eat them again. At first I could but then the blockages started. I'm on laxatives now and milk of mag three times a day or I'd be able to eat zero fiber. I thought I was alone with these issues until I met a guy online in NJ that has the sam issues. Any tips? I hate eating junk. I take like a million chewable vitamins but I know they are as good as getting it from food. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Hi Jessica, That must be really frustrating. Has your doctor ever looked for reasons why you block up so easily? Perhaps there's an underlying condition causing this, and not necessarily the food. Like a motility issue or stricture. Until you know why this is happening, it's really hard to offer any advice. Of course, you could try blending, as Nancy is, but that only works around the problem rather than address it. Regards, Eric Yeah I've seen two surgeons. One didn't believe me and refused to see me again and one suggested it was a motility problem and sent me to see an ostomy nurse. The ostomy nurse suggested a laxative that helps just motility like ducolac but they stopped making the liquid form of it and even crushing up the tiny pills they still don't digest so I'm not getting the meds into my system. My GP proscribed me a liquid exlaxs as he though it was the pain meds I'm taking from my knee surgery (fentanyl patch) so he thought that might help temporarily. I was scared to try thing but I tried three French fries and still got plugged. Then I tried beets and it was even worse. I upped my dose on my own using the exlax chocolate because it doesn't taste as bad as the liquid that's super gross. I have tried eating anything that might plug me since because I'm terrified. It's so painful and sometimes my electrolytes get off when it happens and I end up on an iv in the hospital. Once they even put me in the psych ward because they didn't believe me it was my ostomy that caused it and thought I was attempting suicide. (The police in my city are not understanding or sympathetic). Then it prolapsed and refuse to go back and I had to have it surgically reset and spend a week in the hospital. They put in an end ileostomy instead of loop so they told me that won't happen again but I don't believe them. I've h as d so many tests done I just really want answers. You actually came to the motility problem much faster than the surgeon, so you really have a medical mind. If you have any other ideas please let me know. You seem super informed and intelligent. Thanks Jessica Jessica, I don't like reading stories of patients who were not believed or told it was all in your head. I hear them often, so there's obviously a problem with the system right now. Do you have an option of seeing a third doctor at a larger hospital? I know it's frustrating, but I have friends who weren't believed and they were persistent in finding a doctor who took them seriously to get a proper diagnosis of the problem. Motility disorders are pretty serious - and they need serious attention from a doctor who understands. Laxatives aren't a long-term solution, and a long-term solution is what you need right now. I live in Lincoln NE there are only two GI doctor clinics and I've seen a doctor in each one and they won't allow me to see there colleagues. I went to nearby Omaha and saw a doctor once years ago but I had a bad eating disorder at the time partially caused by being so constipated and it hurt to eat so I ate little. That doctor wasn't kind to me but I can kind of see why he wasn't, I was giving up at the time. I could look into other doctors in Omaha, it's about twice the size of Lincoln but only 2/3 the size of Kansas City so I may have to go there. Ill talk to my GP when I see him on Tuesday and see if he knows anyone. He is the one who recommended my newest surgeon who believes me but surgeons can only cut and she said cutting won't fix a motility problem. Thanks for your help and support : ). Ill let you know what happens, in the mean time I've gotten vegan vitamin rich protein drinks and I'm bidding on a vitamin saving blend it's like one of those really expensive ones but the box was damaged so jts in my price range now : ) best wishes and keep helping people! It's great what you're doing! I wish you much luck, Jessica. If you need more support, please check out my Community Forums www.veganostomy.ca/community and perhaps other members might have some ideas for you. do some of you find difficulty with any green vegetables, ie have loose stool? I actually find that raw spinach in larger quantities causes a laxative effect on me! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hey! First of all I love your blog, it's helped a lot since I got my ileostomy. I'm hoping you can offer some advise. I'm trying to figure out what to eat before rugby practices/games so that I have enough energy to play but don't output anything while the practice/game is going on (approx. 2 hour duration). My main reason for this is if I get tackled with a full bag it could have very messy consequences. Right now I'm keeping a log of when I start eating and when I start seeing output but it's hard to tell which meal is being outputted. I was thinking if I dyed my meals different colors that could help. Any advise on which foods would stay in my system for either the shortest or the longest amount of time? Hey Nikki, Thanks for the question. The food log is a great idea - you should be able to find a pattern with certain foods, although it's not always guaranteed since our bowel movements can also be tied to stress, activity, body position, etc. Are you ok with eating something like a clif bar or something similar? I find that the small volume, high-calorie foods tend to work out really well for me when I'm out and about but still need the calories. Most other foods will be higher in volume, which is what you're trying to avoid. You can even make your own out of dates and nuts/nut butter. Just drop a bunch in a food processor until they become like a thick paste. Roll into balls and let them set in the freezer! There are several recipes like this online and you don't have to use whole nuts if that's a concern. I would also personally include some liquid calories in there as well. That's assuming that liquids don't pass through you very quickly, as it can with some ileostomates. Best of luck! If you still have questions, I would invite you to join the community forums: https://www.veganostomy.ca/community/ Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I am a vegan with surgery for a loop ileostomy scheduled next week. My question is, in the initial post-op period can I eat foods high in fiber if I blend them very well to a liquid? I’ve heard people say it’s not what you eat but how you eat it—does this apply to immediate post-op, and is it safe for me to try blended Whole Foods in tiny amounts? Hey Janelle, Yes, blended soups and smoothies are just fine. This article may be more appropriate for your recovery phase: https://www.veganostomy.ca/ostomy-diet-what-to-eat-first-six-weeks/ Best of luck! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Can I eat artichokes that are pressure cooked? I cooked some in my instapot pressurer cooker and the leaves turned out really soft but I didn’t eat the heart after I googled them and read they should be avoided…I was so bummed about that. And I’m going to start trying leafy greens because I miss eating salads, my favorite is Arugula is that ok to eat? Hi Dawn, I've had no trouble with artichokes. How long have you has your stoma and do you have a colostomy or ileostomy ? For any new food, I suggest small quantities at first, especially with those salads. Good luck ? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I have discovered a helpful cookbook, in a little cafe in Sheffield, and have sourced a copy it's called tasty and healthy by omer Miller & elinoar Rabin. It was originally intended for crohn's and ibd patients, but expanded to include others as some dietary needs overlap.it has a good section explaining dietary requirements. Whist not all vegan recipes, I would heartily reccomend it.
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~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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