Have you used this "No-Roma" ostomy pouch deodorant? Share your experiences below. My written review for this product can be found by clicking on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I never wasted my time using deodorant for my ileostomy pouch. I've always used just regular peroxide you can get anywhere and it's a lot cheaper and it's very effective and I don't have to move it around in my pouch I just pour in maybe a cap full or less and that's it . it does the trick every single time no matter what I'm eating...its not a lubricant of course but because I have an ileostomy I don't have to worry about a lubricant. I've been wanting to try that, but I've been warned of the potential damage it can cause the mucosa lining of the stoma, so I'm a little apprehensive! Are you using a 3% solution? after 9 years with a colostomy and lots of experiments, nothing beats a drop of peppermint oil or eycaliptus oil for odor I've tried several essential oils and they all seem to end up smelling very "skunky". Not sure why, but I'm glad they work for you =) I have just got back from the hospital with a chemical burn to my stoma from using this product Oh no, that's terrible to hear. I would imagine you're sensitive to one of the ingredients. I hope that you're better soon. 👍 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I am sorry this does not seem to work for some people....but it does for me! And it works well. you need a good squirt. But it does the job. Thanks for sharing your experience, Graham! Pouch deodorant is one of those products that have a wide range of effectiveness depending on the person, or their diet. It's a shame that using it "as directed" doesn't seem to be the ideal dosage. I've found this to be true with other products as well. It seems like a squirt is always best! 😂👌 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Good Topic! I've tried 3 products over 13 years. 1) A homemade mix using food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide, one whole bottle, its about 1 cup, then distilled or purified water to nearly the top and a 1/4 cup of Johnsons baby body/shampoo wash & sometimes adding a few drops of an essential oil. Adding the shampoo/body wash last to minimize bubbles, stir with the handle of a longer wooden spoon ir swish but beware of bubbles! My son found a similar recipe for homemade ostomy pouch deoderant on the internet. I needed to change it to get the affect I wanted & I mixed it in a clean 1 gallon size plastic milk jug. On this I found all it really did was require a larger amount to do the job & add extra fluids to my pouch plus it took too much of my time to make & bottle up in convenient size squirt bottles... Lol! I tried this when the cost of M9 for me was too high as a new ostomate & unable to work new widow with 2 kids & 3 dogs at home. 2) Essential oils only. I worried nonstop that the oils, with my high output ileostomy would get under the wafer & cause leaks. Plus I didn't like being able to "smell" the oils at work in my pouch. After all, to me if I could smell the oils so could others & they often required an explanation I didn't want to give or lie about. 3) M9... by far the best product to date for me. After all...WE are "ALL DIFFERENT!" lololol!!! However, using the amount of drops recommended on the bottle does not work for me. I need to add 22 drops or 2 very short fast squirts of M9 I put into an old Ostomy Powder bottle to get the desired affect. I get 1 month from one eight ounce bottle. Linda
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I have a massive blister and 3 smells ones
And the pain is bad !!!! 😥
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
It is worth noting that the more often you empty your pouch, the more effective it is. IE if you go 8 hours or so...like all night...the effect wears off somewhat.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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