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Has anyone used Nu-Hope Ostomy bags? I’m liking them. Nu- Hope has one of the nicest CSR I’ve ever worked with. Brenda at 800-899-5017 #104. 
  The only thing I don’t like is the pouch’s do not come covered. I get about 4 to 5 days of wear. Also, Nu- Hope will make any bag with what ever wafer you want. Yes, this company will custom make you a Ostomy bag. 
   I’ve had a stoma for 6 years now. I just learned all this from Nu-Hope yesterday when I was wanting too get a week wear out of my pouch. So far so good.

   I have a new stoma that was placed in a fold and it’s been hard to get any other brands to stay on for more than 24 hours. Nu-Hope was a game changer. I always thought they only made support belts.

Dona, LK, Lynne and 1 people reacted
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Thanks D.  I just requested a sample to try it out. I use Marlen and am generally happy- get 3 days, but nice to experiment a bit. 


Dtheblack and LK reacted
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D...thank you so much for sharing that information! I had my stoma 8 years before accidentally finding VO  and honestly & sadly  thought I was stuck with the one pouch type & brand I had  left the hospital with. lol! I was so delighted to try other brands & pouches!! It felt like Christmas!  I thought Nu-Hope was European accesable only for what ever reason. Probably compliments of my cataracts! lol! I think I'll give them a call & ask for samples too...just because I can! Lol! 


Dtheblack reacted
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Posted by: @dtheblack

Also, Nu- Hope will make any bag with what ever wafer you want. Yes, this company will custom make you a Ostomy bag. 

I'm curious to hear more! 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK and Dtheblack reacted
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@veganostomy Nu-Hope will custom make their products.( I just read my last post.)I’m having great wear time with Nu- Hope!

LK and VeganOstomy reacted
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I just got 8 days wear time with my custom Nu-Hope Ostomy pouch! I didn’t need to change. I only changed it because 8 days is to long a time too wear a pouch, and didn’t want an yeast infection. The best thing is I’ve found a Ostomy pouch that sticks to my stoma that was placed in a fold. My life is so much better!!

sjlovestosing, LK, VeganOstomy and 2 people reacted
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Thats wonderful! Getting the long wear time and the confidence that will give you is a game changer.


Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

sjlovestosing and LK reacted
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Posted by: @dtheblack

I only changed it because 8 days is to long a time too wear a pouch, and didn’t want an yeast infection.

Congrats on 8 days! Yes, you are wise to not push it too far. A yeast infection can set you back and there's no benefit to setting records here 😂

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

sjlovestosing, john68 and LK reacted
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D...thats awesome! So true Eric!! I once went 10 days but I too was not comfortable about skin issues.  I  now change every 5 & 6 days. I just find it avoids away from home issues & leaks. 

I'm so glad you found something you really like & got good wear time from!

Have you tried it out in a hot bath to see what the edges do? I'm curious? 


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I am getting three days on my Hollister 2-piece. At 3 1/2 or 4, the barrier ring has melted almost through on the right side (my stoma is a little shorter on the right side) and output has leaked to underneath. I am happy enough with this - if the tape on the flange looks a little weak I use a small piece of surgical tape. 

The one chore I really don’t like is tracing out the stoma shape and cutting the flange. I have tried the kind that you don’t have to cut but only just stretch out the hole and really liked them - except that they are extended wear (Hollister) and hard to peel off from my skin, which then bleeds. Has anyone come across a stretchy kind that is not extended wear?

Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.

LK reacted
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Hi Ll, when you are removing are you using the removal spray. Also letting it have time to work is important. I spray a little around the wafer while I am getting a new one ready. Plus spray on the wafer not the skin, then peel and press on the skin as it peels away. Also while it’s great to get a good wear time I always feel it sets a benchmark for others to follow which can lead to problems. Good skin and keeping an eye on it brings more benefit in the long term. Please don’t take my opinion as a put down on any one 😀 changing too frequently is as problematic 👍

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

LK and sjlovestosing reacted
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@john68 I have never used the spray remover - as removal is easy with my regular Hollister flange/plate.  If I switch to the stretchy kind (the ones that don’t require tracing and cutting) though that could do the trick, since that kind seems to only come as extended wear -  thank you for mentioning this. My supplier requires a specific prescription (for insurance reasons, I assume) and any changes I make for my supplies are quite a complicated process.

Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.

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@dlkfiretruck I’ve not been in a hot tube. I do take showers everyday. I have had no problems. 

LK reacted
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@john68I I use no adhesive remover. I’ve never used remover. I use 70% isopropyl alcohol before and after I shave the area. I’ve done this for 6 years with no problems, and it seems to dull or remove the adhesive. It stings a little. 

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I’ve been using holister for 6 months, just started a sample of coloplast sensation mio click and one Piece.

coloplast looks and feels better, much easier emptying, great filter components that keep that 3 day Odor away, cleans easier.

only thing I miss is a belt with coloplast. Trying to figure out a belt situation for coloplast

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I use a one-piece Sensura Mio light convex. The one and two pieces have a healing agent built in the barrier, and so far it has helped me immensely. I haven't had skin issues since I started to use them. I have a slight irregularity, so I tweak my pre-cut barrier to fit my needs. The Senura also comes off easily when it's time to change appliances, but it sounds like you have very sensitive skin, so an adhesive remover, such as John suggested sounds like just the ticket you need.


LK reacted
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I have a belt that goes with the Sensura Mio from Coloplast. I would suggest asking your supply company if they have them in stock.  Or, you could go to Coloplast's website and ask where you can purchase one. Good luck!



LK reacted
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my ostomy nurse gave me a coloplast belt,  and when they called me to follow up on samples they sent me, coloplast offered to send me a free one. Theirs are unique as the have 4 hooks instead of 2, as I’m sure you know of you are using the wafers already. I’m sure they aren’t spendy, but I bet they will send you one if you ask. 

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

LK reacted