Has anyone used the NU-HOPE one piece SM7120R-C? The wafer is real small and very soft and flexible. Do you have a link to the item or a photo you can post? I'm having a hard time finding it in their catalogue. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I have an IPAD I can’t copy and paste or insert a picture. I tried the insert button...it won’t work. In the catalog the # is SM7120R-C Mini Drainable Roll Up Convexity. 7120 is a mini pouch. I’m a little person so I don’t like pouches that are too long. It hangs out the bottom of my t-shirt. @dtheblack Try clicking on the "attach file" at the bottom of the reply box to see if you can add it to this thread directly. I definitely have NOT used that product as it has convexity, which is something I don't need/use. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
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