(April 6, 2017) - These Community Forums are now open! Please spread the news where you can! I'm looking forward to interacting with this vibrant group! =) TIP: You can now access the forums from the main website menu at the top of the page or in the mobile menu. Eric Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Okay, bare with me! I'm new on these Forums. Colostomy last November. The tips and Eric's videos have been a blessing. My self doubt and how can I do this filled me with encouragement and I wasn't alone. I've had several issues with pancaking still. Between my Nurse and online tips I'm flubbertated. My goal is to now and then wear my pouch horizontal for certain occasions. I ended with an odor problem last weeks, seems like the Bigger Hollister Barrier # 79540. 40 mm. Is breaking down in 2-3 days plus it looking like bruising around that area after I took it off. I hope I'm safe. I used a Moldable barrier and wafer.. Any ideas would be appreciated. I've tried different oils. I found the M9 stunk. So, use our regular Adapt for now. Hey Kerby! Welcome to the forums. Feel free to post your introduction on the Introductions forum so people can read your story :) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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April 6, 2017 10:12 am
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February 16, 2018 3:24 am