I have been home from the hospital for about two weeks. Still adjusting to being an urostomate. I'm 54.Bladder cancer. They removed the bladder. I go back in 6 months for checkup. Welcome, Mike! I hope that the adjustment has been easy on you. Let us know if you have any questions, or wanted to share your experience. 👍 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Welcome! Sending well wishes and a speedy recovery. Sending positive vibes your way. 🌻 OstoMike ... Welcome to VO!! We do have members here that are urostomates, maybe you'll meet them along the way. For replies to your specific need when & if you have questions or need tips be sure & identify your ostomy type it will help you get the replies you need sooner.  If you haven't, try going for a short walk each day to help build up strength & energy. Surgery can take a lot out of a person. All the best of health! Linda
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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