Dec. 8, 2022. Well, today is my 1st Stomaversary. After a long journey through post cancer healing both inside and out my stoma has given me a new life. I would like to thank ‘veganostomy’ as well as ‘thefrontbuttyoutuber’ and ‘ostomateandthecity’ for sharing your knowledge and helping me to find the confidence to move forward. Makes one proud to be part of this community. Hi Carol, Many Happy Returns. May you grow in health and knowledge ?? ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Glad to hear that you’re doing well, Carol. I also have a colostomy as the result of cancer - where would we be without that medical innovation? We are lucky to live in a time that gives people like you and me a second chance. I am grateful for that, and for all who share information that makes the adjustment easier. The veganostomy site is a big part of that. Laurie Just a semicolon Happy anniversary, Carol! Second chance, indeed - my colostomy was because of cancer, also; I was just talking with some people at lunch this week about that, and a woman said those words “second chance” - we are so lucky. Enjoy this wonderful day and life! Colostomy 4/30/18. Congratulations for beating cancer, and embracing your stoma as the life saver it is! Retired engineer, now goatherd Big Time Congrats on your stomaversary & recovery as well ! I think it was Eric who posted on the background of Ostomies and how without the technology of today and people thinking outside the box we could all still be packing MOSS around our stomas & wrapping our bellies in cloth! Its always good to hear of others in great appreciation of LIVING with a stoma. All the Best! Linda Ah, I must of read that wrong. I thought it said reverseary. Here I posted get well wishes above. Well, anyhow happy anniversary and well wishes. I'm glad that your 1st Stomaversary happened on a positive note, @carol-macmillan. Wishing you many more happy Stomaversaries! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @dlkfiretruck lol yes my phone and my fingers hitting these small keys are horrible for typos so I have to reread all my posts or typing after posting. That is how I caught that by re-reading everything. Carol Congratulations on your one year mark. Here's to many more years to come! cygo cygo @chelly ... I recently learned I can change my keyboard size... don't ask me how! Lololololol!! It takes me forever to write something mostly bcuz my arthritis is doing some finger joint bending & I'm ALWAYS hitting wrong keys so I spend more time re-reading then writing in the 1st place. like a secret code now as each error has the letter hit before or after the letter I actually want!! Lol! . Ha! The secrets our folks kept!! Who knew getting old could be so fun eh!! Thats only half the issue, the other is with cataracts the white screen, now only where we type, as the rest are black now, causes 3 times the brightness and blurriness! It can take a long time to respond as I need to rest my eyes often hoping my screen doesn't shut off before before I fall asleep & loose everything as it seems theres no way to save drafts here. Anyone know how, please tell me. BTW... Happy Stomaversary to you & your side kick! So glad you found us!! Linda @carol-macmillian Congrats on your anniversary! @LK I have eye problems too. What really helps me is installing the 'Dark Reader' extension in my desktop browser. Works in Edge as well as Chrome. It will make your backgrounds black, with white letters. It works with most websites (and this forum), although sometimes, you'll have to turn it off. It's easy to turn it on and off, it works with a toggle button. Set your phone to Dark mode (or a like-named setting) in your settings menu (you should find that under 'themes'). That should give you a black background with white letters in most of your apps, as well as your phone's browser. Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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