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What can be the food and exercises i  should do to kill my travel anxiety.

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Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 4348

Hello @rashmivanwani, are you referring to air travel or travel by surface vehicle (cars, buses, trains, etc.). 

There's a lot of extra anxiety going around right now because of COVID and anxiety often comes from things you feel are out of your control. 

My suggestion is to focus on things that you CAN control: wear a mask, eat foods that don't make you anxious (like coffee for some), and focus on being mindful of what's going around you not the things "out there". 

If you practice yoga or meditation, then this could be a very calming practice for you. 

Best of luck! 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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@veganostomy I  read here  we can fight travel anxiety by distraction but  it's so tough to distract our mind when we know deep inside it's something that affects us.

Can you share your ideas that how can i distract my mind?

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Posted by: @rashmivanwani

Can you share your ideas that how can i distract my mind?

I actually prefer not to distract myself, but to be more mindful of my time and situation, instead. My anxiety usually involves things that are outside of my control or future events that may not even happen.

So when I focus on the present moment and do my best to take care of right now, my anxiety is lessened. 

Some people do use distraction to relieve some anxiety (depending on why they are anxious in the first place), and this could include reading, playing a video game, watching a video, etc. All things that can be done in an airport, on a bus or plane, and pretty much anywhere. 

Do you have any particular anxieties about traveling? Are you worried about your safety, that you haven't planned well enough, that you might get lost?

I like to address specific points when I travel so that I'm overall better prepared.  

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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@rashmivanwani...Hello! Welcome to Eric's Vegan Ostomy! The best site around! 

Travel with an Ostomy does not have to be stressful. But if you find it so, there are things you can do to enjoy your trip and help things go smoothly for  you.  For instance,   if you know foods that cause you problems such as gas and bloating, avoid them! Drink plenty of fluids a day or two in advance to make sure you are well hydrated for your trip. Carry with you a bottle or two of extra water. 

If you enjoy herbal teas, Chamomil Tea has ingredients that are calming to  the body without making you feel  drugged. Try it a week or so in advance at home  before bed to see how your body responds to it. If your terribly stressed you may want to use two tea bags  and  put it in a water bottle to drink cold during your  travel as long as you are not operating a vehicle of some kind. If you like sugar or honey &  milk or lemon in your tea, add that too.

Also, record some of your favorite relaxing  music and take headphones or earbuds along so not to upset or disturb those around you. Close your eyes and enjoy the music. Wear comfortable clothing and pants that are easy on your tummy to avoid discomfort. Carry a change of clothes along just incase you have a leak. Include underwear, socks & a clean shirt and some baby wipes or wet cloths in a zip baggie. When I travel by plane, I have in advance of my trip written a note to give to and  telling the Flight Attendant that due to your ostomy, you may  need extra time in the washroom. Give it to them before getting in line. This way, they can redirect others to another room should you  be longer then average. This takes the pressure off of you in the washroom  of someone knocking on your door trying to rush you! Do not rush!  Please leave the washroom as clean if not cleaner then you found it.  Make sure you have a bag you can "seal" or tie shut, soiled clothes in, and another for the old pouch and wipes.

  Take along a snack of fruit, or maybe a sandwich with something that does not smell offensive in it... like tuna or eggs inside, yuk, not good for wanting to be friendly. Try cheese & or lettuce &  tomatoe instead, but no peanut or nut butter spreads due to the severity of some peoples allergies to nuts.  But make sure it is  something you enjoy eating that won't upset your guts, or those close to you. Maybe some raa veggies and a nice house of Ranch dressing for a dip. Chew your food politely with your mouth closed. A cheese and mustard sandwich can be satisfying. Being ready for a hunger attack  while travelling is a good move for Ostomates. Pretzels are good also.  

Most of all, try & enjoy the changing scenery around you while you listen to your choice of music, and have a nice trip! 

Eric has  a video or two on Travelling With An Ostomy. Be sure and view it so you have enough supplies along with you and some for easy access like during a flight.                       Be sure and have a nice time! 



