Hi Chelly, It’s a poor day ye don’t learn something. What ever way I looked at the second lower diagram, I thought it looked like a bum/bottom/backside 😂. So I was trying to figure out what the bag was doing there 🤔 then the penny dropped 🙃. Some times I wonder how I get though life 😁 ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns @john68 haha, it sure does look like a bum backside doesn’t it? But yeah I thought this was interesting as my belts are not always clean. I feel if I worked in it all night then it’s dirty. So I thought this was a great way to improvise until I get time to hand wash them.I’m finding if I put a belt on after changing it’s pulling it tighter for a better seal. Ok so the other day I thought I’m going to try this. I woke up in the night with gas and my bag was about to pop. It was so tight from the tape that it actually hurt. I thought any little move and this bag is going to explode lol!! I guess not a good idea to sleep in. May be just a good idea for me right after putting my bag on to get a tight seal then removing the tape. @chelly...very interesting contraption when it's all said & done. Thanks for sharing that. Butt, I use the Coloplast C shaped stretchy tapes & so far work great for me. This is something to keep in mind though! . They also have a large size of those stretchy tapes too. It takes 3 large to cover the circumference of the wafer verses 2 of the smaller size. Linda Linda it seems every part of the world has someone like you and me. Good to know Canada is in safe hands.🤲😂👍 ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns @john68 and Lind, yes your lucky because all insurance here in the US does not cover the c shape strips. I’m on government insurance and very little do they cover. We even have to pay for adhesive remover. Go figure. We try to find ways to improvise especially on tight budgets.
also a good option for those that fo not have a belt or their insurance won’t cover one.
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