Hello, about once month I will experience loose bowel.  This morning I had really bad cramping in my back and lower abdominal area.  as the day went on and frequent visits to the bathroom with a bit coming out at a time the cramps have eased up from constant to just before I need to go.  My ileostomy is totally normal, the output and consistency. My questions are: 1. there appears to be some blood in it ?  normal? 2.  its gone on all day which I've never had happen anyone else have this happen? 3. has anyone used a fleet enema for this just to claret out faster.  Ive had an ostomy for 5 years (i think) and never experiences this.  Any advice is appreciated.  Stay safe and healthy everyone. Yikes, sorry about that. It almost sounds like a partial obstruction. Please don't try the Fleet enema without consulting your doctor! For starters, you might damage your stoma with the nozzle, as a special stoma cone is needed in stoma irrigation. Call your doctor please Retired engineer, now goatherd @goatherder oh no I wouldn't be using it on my stoma, it would be for emptying whatever is going on with my colon. @lindsayt Ah very good, didn't realize you still had colon left to flush. My rectal stump is all of 1 inch, so all I get from that end is a bit of mucous now and then. Retired engineer, now goatherd @goatherder yes usually its just mucus and about once a month what appears and smells to be bowel.  but today was awful good thing i didn't have to go to work.  @lindsayt Hate to say it, but it may well be time for another colonoscopy to rule out anything serious. Retired engineer, now goatherd @lindsayt It’s probably a good idea to make a call to the doctor’s office, talk to someone there, maybe get things checked out - this can ease your mind. Colostomy 4/30/18. @lindsayt...If you don't mind, lets clarify something here...are the clots from your stoma & small bowel into your pouch or from your remaining rectum? I have ileostomy since 2009, my small bowel is still wierd. I deal with a lot of cramping most of the time, tho I've had a pleasant reprieve lately, well until today...ugh! I often get small blood clots in my pouch but then I deal with severe anemia too because of it. If its from your stoma, do you ever have small amounts of blood leaking from your stoma while changing it or only notice it while emptying?? Both good reasons to connect with your GP. If this is from your rectum, harsh scented or not, it is time for a good old fashioned work up. Make sure they check your iron levels and hemoglobin as well. If your feeling tired you may be on the anemic side & that alone should be one good reason to make an appointment. Good luck & keep us in the loop. I'm sure we all hope things are good for you here, but our guts can be tricky when they choose. Try not to delay making an appt. Linda there appears to be some blood in it ?  normal? Blood shouldn't be coming from your stoma, even though blood on the stoma is "normal", especially when there's some friction on or around your stoma. 1) Sometimes output looks like blood. If you have excluded food being the source, I'd also suggest speaking to your doctor.  2) Mucus at 5 years doesn't sound right to me. That along with blood would warrant a doctor's appointment and possible scope to rule things out. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy...Eric, I'm at 11 years, with a rectum & I still get mucus discharge every few days. Linda there appears to be some blood in it ?  normal? Blood shouldn't be coming from your stoma, even though blood on the stoma is "normal", especially when there's some friction on or around your stoma. 1) Sometimes output looks like blood. If you have excluded food being the source, I'd also suggest speaking to your doctor.  2) Mucus at 5 years doesn't sound right to me. That along with blood would warrant a doctor's appointment and possible scope to rule things out. Sorry a Doctors appointment for a blood test and a scan would be wise and if you can give the Dr's some idea of the volume of blood. I know its scary to seek medical appointments with the virus however this is medically known as a "Red Flag" (blood from rectum) seek a consultation even if its to calm you mind (They will not chastise you for it) Colostomy Jan 2020 @veganostomy...Eric, I'm at 11 years, with a rectum & I still get mucus discharge every few days. From the rectum or stoma? Is the mucus mixed with your output or does it come out on its own? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy...rectum only, no stool...just something thats always happened & always the same foggyish colour, no smell. GI lady Doctor say its normal for me. I have such wierd guts even before ileostomy. Linda rectum only Yes, that would be totally normal and expected. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hey, so It ended up passing.  I assume it was just bowel backup.  The blood was only from the rectum.  Stoma and output was all normal.  sorry for the late response. @lindsayt Happy you are OK, thanks for the update Retired engineer, now goatherd Hey, so It ended up passing.  I assume it was just bowel backup.  The blood was only from the rectum.  Stoma and output was all normal.  sorry for the late response. That's a positive update! Thanks for letting us know. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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