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Why Do Stomas Change Their Size? (w/ video)

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Let's discuss stoma size changes!

My written article for this topic can be found by clicking on this link.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Margaret Brabrook)
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 7

Excellent! thank you so much for this -- explantions that i can understand aided by pics --- Great ------ this article was so needed - have not seen anything elsewhere that gives me this info ---- man,y many thanks!

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Thanks, Margaret!

I hope my amateur drawings don't scare anyone away! haha

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Yep I still find it weird to watch the stoma wriggle about, after surgery one feeling I found really hard to get used to was the movement it did when I started to eat. Measuring is very important no matter how long you have a stoma. I was given a plastic wipe clean measure recently and compared to the card type I had it’s great.

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Where can I get a Stoma measuring guide other than the paper one Hollister provides? I use Hollister products and just recently it seems like the wax ring I apply is not adhering. No leaking out just leakage when I remove my barrier to change.
I have gained weight and do not know how to lose weight.
Too many of the belts, etc, are just too expensive. I am on a low fixed income.
I am short waisted and could never wear my bag on the side the way you do. My stomps Nusrse is very busy and there is no one to talk to and a year after my surgery I am not very happy.
Frustrated would be the word abs I have meds I have to take so I am at a loss and all alone in this. I am 64 and getting miserable and I may try to but the Gel tablets bit I am at a loss here. My precut wager fits and the next size precut is too big. I do not know what to do. I wish I could have this surgery reversed bit that is not possible.
I guess I would welcome any suggestions as a fat, shorteaisted 64 year old and the top of my bag is just above my waist.
I just wake through each day waiting to change my bag and it still takes me a half hour with getting everything ready. I look nothing like the tall, no cellulite girls in the videos.

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HI Susan, This ostomy game aint an easy one but when you get it sorted it will seem better, Get to see that nurse if she is busy there must be another. See if you have a support group near that ye could join. Start today and go through the site and see what relates to the issues you have. And rem none of us look like any of the models

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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There is one other “female” explanation for stoma size change...pregnancy. This has been the only reason for me. The hospital ENT is great for supplies as it changes so frequently you could really get sucked in financially to not finish your box before it changes again.

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Hey Laura,

That's actually a very good point!! I'm embarrassed that I missed that, but will add it soon!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Hi Susan,

The first question is easy: You'd normally get other measuring guides with the respective pouches for different brands. However, I'm sure that if you contact any of the major manufacturers, they'd be happy to send you some extras - they often include them when sending samples too.

Your other challenges do need the help of a stoma nurse to address, and if the one you have is too busy, find another or consider telenursing as an option (you don't even have to leave the house).

I would suggest going with cut-to-fit as pre-cut requires a VERY consistent stoma to work well with and it doesn't sound like you're there yet. The gel sachets are a blessing and they should be tried by anyone with loose or liquid output.

Hey, a half hour isn't bad! It usually takes me longer to change my appliance!

Stay positive and continue to tap into available resources around you.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Joined: 7 years ago
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Thanks for the informative article and video, Eric. Do you happen to know if we can expect changes in my child's stoma as he matures from early childhood to adulthood? Will the placement always be okay, regardless of how short or tall or he becomes (his father is 6'5"), or will he need adjustments or even a new placement?

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Hi Helena,

That's a great question. I'm going to at some point have an article on pediatric stomas, but I'll need to get information from a stoma nurse or surgeon who can answer specific questions I have.

From what I understand, the rules of stoma placement are quite a bit different in children and anecdotally, I've heard of stoma ending up in different locations as someone grows taller.

I don't want to put out any information until I'm certain that it is accurate but I'm glad you've reminded me of it.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Hi John. My Hospital has only one Stoma Nurse. She is very busy and tells me other patients do not have the problems I do.
Went to a support group and they have a speaker, an evening agenda and no one talks to me.
I am just frustrated beyond belief with no one to talk to
I really hate my life and I keep getting sick.
Thanks anyway.

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Hi. Thank you for responding.i an not able to cut to fit. I just cannot do it. That was how I started out. It has been a year as of Feb 6.
I am always taking medication of some kind and for some reason the wax ring I put on my bartier/ wafer is not adhering as well and I am not sure I am putting it on wrong.
I measure my Stoma each change and it is always 38m as 41 is too large - these are the cut to fit.
I talk to someone but babying no friends or any support is the biggest issue.
I just do not want to be around people and I have no idea how to lose weight.
Cannot find a Dietitian who knows about Ileostomies that is in my HMO Insurance and I do not have the $30 a visit for each specialist.

I am trying to get rid of so upper respiratory infection and doykf Steroids, a Nebulizer & an Inhaler so I feel drained.

Thank you anyway. I do use the Hollister 2 piece system with a wax ring and the other bags feel uncomfortable & I had a reaction to Coloplast and I had to remove it right away. It felt like pins & needles and the bag was cumbersome. I am able to change my bag every other day per my Stoma Nurse. The bag material is not ideal but it is not heavy. I cannot wear my bag sideways as I am very short waisted and the belts are like $100 and my Insurance does not cover it.
Thank you for your advice.

How do you telestomanurse?
I can talk to Hollister but lint about product.
(my email is:—easier for me to get your reply.)

Thank you very much.

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Posts: 15

Where did you get the plastic measuring guide?
(My email is:—easier because I am really not a Blogger type person)

(@Steve Taylor)
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I laminated one of my paper measures, worked until I flushed it down the toilet.

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Haha! Whoops! 😂

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Jamie L McMannus)
Joined: 4 years ago
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Anytime I try to eat anything besides soft foods the foods tend to get stuck at the stoma and will cause blockage is there anything I can do so I can eat meats and potatoes and regular foods once again because the only thing I am able to eat right now is pudding, apple sauce, and protein drinks please help me I am despite

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Hi Jamie,

When did you have your surgery and do you have an ileostomy or colostomy?

Blockages can be common for some people, but there are quite a few variables involved.

I do have several articles that deal with blockages and diet, which may be helpful, but I do suggest speaking with a stoma nurse or your surgeon to discuss this.

Good luck.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Sandie Goodchild)
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I had my bladder removed 12 ago but I see that my stomach is not like a cherry but looks greyish and has shrunk! No other problems! I am now 82 years old! My stomach is not an outie but looks like it has sunk!

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Hi Sandie,

It sounds like you might want to ring up your doctor or stoma nurse to have a look at it. The stoma should always look like a healthy, reddish color.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
