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Blood in stoool sam...
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Blood in stoool sample

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Joined: 2 years ago
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had a health checkup today and results from stool sample showed low levels of blood.      Consultation with Dr didnt help.much,  he gad never had a patient with an ostomy before.     my guess is the trace amount of blood from the stoma could have showed positive. 

      Thoughts ?       anyone else have this issue come up after a stool sample ?


thanks in advance for any info.  

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 421

David, it’s quite possible. The only way you’ll know what’s going on beyond your stoma is to have a colonoscopy. Is your ostomy the result of colorectal cancer? If it is, then best to have a scope sooner rather than later. But you’re right; the stoma bleeds without much provocation, so it might be nothing at all.



Just a semicolon

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Posted by: @tigerlily

it’s quite possible. The only way you’ll know what’s going on beyond your stoma is to have a colonoscopy.

I fully agree. Could it be blood from a small cut in the stoma? Sure, that's very possible. But you don't want to guess here, and a scope would rule out any bleeding inside.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

john68 and Tigerlily reacted
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  it was UC with zero crohns markers.   


     i think id rather pull out my own eyes than allow someone to scope my stoma.     nope.   not gonna happen.   enough is enough.      if im sick again i just dont care........

Tony H reacted
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@davidinthailand it’s actually not that bad, in fact, because there are fewer twists and turns with the bottom part of my colon gone, I didn’t need to be sedated. It wasn’t uncomfortable and I could watch the screen. Is there something in particular that you’re worried about? Maybe I could address your concerns.



Just a semicolon

Tony H reacted
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   hey laurie,

   i had 1 scope unsedated,  i almost murdered the dr.     

    i have had over 100 surgeries.    im done.   no one is stickng anything anywhere ever again.    im tired of being sick and in pain.   im fed up with constant recovery.     no thanks.   no more ever again.    im ready for a nice long dirt nap........

Tony H reacted
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 421

@davidinthailand oh David, I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much. I had no idea. I can absolutely understand being fed up and wanting to just stop all medical intervention. Is it possible, before you make any decisions about a scope, to do another stool sample? That might help you decide. At least it’s not intrusive. Wishing you all the best, David. You deserve to have some quality of life. Please come here to rant anytime you want to; we will listen respectfully.



Just a semicolon
