Share You Ideas and Direct the Future of IBD Research

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Sometimes, the most frustrating feeling that someone gets when faced with a chronic illness is the feeling of helplessness. Oftentimes that frustration is directed towards researchers and doctors who are doing their best to help us but don’t seem to be focusing on the areas that affect us the most.

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2015 – My Personal Year in Review

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Another year is has passed, and what a year it’s been!

It still amazes me that so much can get done in so little time, and 2015 was no exception! Much of the hard work that went into VeganOstomy in 2014 has started to pay off, and this year has a lot to show for the efforts.

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Happy Stomaversary! My Second Year with an Ostomy!

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I’ll be honest, I have no idea where the last year went, but it’s been two years since my ileostomy surgery on August 21st, 2013. Two years since I willingly gave up my diseased colon, and traded it for an ostomy bag – it was the best decision at the time, and I have zero regrets to this day.

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