Sunday, June 5th, 2016. Another Gutsy Walk for Crohn’s and Colitis has passed. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to go again this year!
Time for another: Gutsy Walk 2016!
The Gutsy Walk for Crohn’s and Colitis Canada is one of the main funding sources allocated to IBD research by the organization. Last year, over $3,000,000 was raised, and we hope to do even better this year!
Colonoscopy Prep: TIPS
Ahhh, colon prep! When I had a colon, this use to be something I did not enjoy doing (does anyone??), but it was a necessary part of making sure that I was properly cleaned out before my GI could scope me.
Fiber: Friend or Foe to someone with Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
For the longest time, I remember fiber being the sworn enemy of someone who has Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis.
In fact, the suggestion to go on a low-fiber diet when you have IBD is often one of the first ones you’ll hear – but is that the best thing to do?
Share You Ideas and Direct the Future of IBD Research
Sometimes, the most frustrating feeling that someone gets when faced with a chronic illness is the feeling of helplessness. Oftentimes that frustration is directed towards researchers and doctors who are doing their best to help us but don’t seem to be focusing on the areas that affect us the most.
2015 – My Personal Year in Review
Another year is has passed, and what a year it’s been!
It still amazes me that so much can get done in so little time, and 2015 was no exception! Much of the hard work that went into VeganOstomy in 2014 has started to pay off, and this year has a lot to show for the efforts.
The Technology That Keeps (sick) People Connected
This post has been on my mind for a while, but as I’ve just sold a phone that’s been with me through some of the most difficult times in my life, I’m reminded about just how fortunate we are to have access to these portable devices when we are sick.
Everything You Do Is An Achievement: Living With IBD (w/ video)
I dedicate this post to my friends who haven’t been able to catch a break because of IBD.
Through my blog, I’ve tried to share ways that can help improve the quality of life for someone with an ostomy. While I also have Crohn’s Disease, I handled my flares poorly, and so I can’t offer much help to those who are suffering with IBD at this very moment.
Happy Stomaversary! My Second Year with an Ostomy!
I’ll be honest, I have no idea where the last year went, but it’s been two years since my ileostomy surgery on August 21st, 2013. Two years since I willingly gave up my diseased colon, and traded it for an ostomy bag – it was the best decision at the time, and I have zero regrets to this day.
Gutsy Walk 2015: Durham Region (w/ video)
Sunday June 7th, 2015 was the 20th Annual GUTSY Walk for Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, and I had the pleasure of doing the walk again this year.