@dona and all that replied. Your responses mean the world to me. I swear, I have never been so angry, upset and gobsmacked in my entire life. I guess ... @veganostomy Thanks for the info! For the last couple of days the drainage has subsided to an astonishing degree. Not sure why. I highly doubt there's... @dona Thanks so much! I love this site!!! :-) Hope you're doing well. @squeakyandliza I know! We seemed to have lost our Spring and Fall! Hi Stella, Canada is my home country and am so glad you had such a wonderful visit. I lived in Vermont and worked in New Hampshire for 20 years and ca... @ileostony Hi Tony :-) Whatever I did seemed to work, at least for now! YAY!! Quite a change from having to change it 2-3X per day. I just hope I'm n... Hi Stella! Thank you for your reply. It's really hard to explain the exact description of the fistula. The opening in my stomach is, maybe, an inch l... @ileostony Thanks so much!!! No matter the uniqueness of our situations, there is always something to understand and learned! :-) @dlkfiretruck Awwww...thanks Linda. I'm amazed at how people can reach out a helping hand. So happy o have found this site!! @veganostomy Thank you for your reply. I only have the fistula...not a stoma. It's about 1/4 deep surrounded by the skin and the wound. Please see the... @squeakyandliza, I'm very comfortable in answering questions because that's the only way to get some answers/insight. It's mostly liquid that leaks. I... @llholiday Thanks!! It's amazing how many "professionals" can't seem to come up with and answer as to the best thing to use. I found a site that will ... @john68 & Hi John and thank you for your reply. I do not have a stoma. Rather, it's a small hole near where my belly button is. It's more interna... @squeakyandliza Thank you so much for your insight. I am hoping for a more comfortable fit (not to mention dry). The location of your fistula sounds v...
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RE: Finally made it to Canada
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RE: Hi From Ontario
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RE: Hi From Ontario
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RE: Hi From Ontario
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RE: Hi From Ontario
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RE: Hi From Ontario
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RE: Hi From Ontario
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