Hi Tony :-) Whatever I did seemed to work, at least for now! YAY!! Quite a change from having to change it 2-3X per day.  I just hope I'm not jumping the gun but so far so good. The biggest (perhaps smallest) thing I changed was to adhere the barrier ring directly onto the sticky part of the bag (where you press it against the skin) before applying it to my skin. That way I could really mold it to almost a paste and get it nice and gooey. Thank you for your kind words. I do it helps someone who may be frustrated over the same issue. Sorry, I repeated the procedure I tried twice! Laurie Connors welcome to the forum Emma. We all learn so much from each other, and the support here is amazing! Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017. I wish I had more personal experience to draw upon. I had a "mucus fistula" after my surgery, which was created by the surgeon to help with wound drainage. I had a separate bag for that, and one bag for my stoma, and I don't recall any issues with the one for the mucus fistula, although, it didn't drain a lot. That fistula eventually closed up on its own (as it was supposed to), but a fistula that formed by itself is another beast altogether. I know that some manufacturers specifically offer "fistula bags", rather than ostomy bags. Have you tried these or something like it? https://www.hollister.com/en/products/Ostomy-Care-Products/One-Piece-Pouching-Systems/Wound-Drainage-Collectors/Wound-Drainage-Collector-_%C2%A0Non-Sterile-with-Barrier    Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Laurie Connors Thanks for the info! For the last couple of days the drainage has subsided to an astonishing degree. Not sure why. I highly doubt there's a blockage because it's still draining into bag. The surgeon said it would heal but this seems somewhat spontaneous. Otherwise no change. I'll check out the links you provided with thanks! Laurie Connors
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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