Introducing: Ostomeme!

Ostomeme intro header small

I’m very proud to announce Ostomeme, a new project that I’ve been working on!

UPDATE (Jan 3, 2019): Sadly, I’ve decided to shut down the Ostomeme page and all related content. When I created it, I was hoping that the patient community would join in submitting content, but that unfortunately never happened and I was left spending far more time than I anticipated to create all the content myself. Another component is the cost associated with running Ostomeme. Ostomeme was designed to be self-sufficient using ads, but without the traffic I was hoping for, all the expenses were out of pocket, and it adds up to over $1000 this past year alone. Thank you to everyone who visited the page to have a laugh. I truly wish things had turned out differently.

When I started VeganOstomy in 2013, I wanted to share my experiences and offer helpful information for other people living with IBD and/or an ostomy.

I’ve always tried to use humor to help diffuse stressful circumstances, including coping with living with a chronic illness.

Internet memes have been something I’ve enjoyed reading and making over the past many years, and it only makes sense to combine the humor in memes with helping patients to better enjoy life.

An Internet meme is a concept or idea that spreads “virally” from one person to another via the Internet. An Internet meme could be anything from an image to an email or video file; however, the most common meme is an image of a person or animal with a funny or witty caption. SOURCE

Ostomeme has been created to give the community of chronically ill patients (and those living with an ostomy) an opportunity to both create, share, and consume memes and humor in a safe environment.

One goal of Ostomeme is to create an interactive, community-driven experience for its users.

Ostomeme homepage

Several of the features currently available today include:

  • Creating and uploading memes, either from scratch or from memes you’ve already created.
  • You can vote on memes and also “react” to them. These votes and reactions will help to promote popular memes and will (over time) help to sort memes out into various groups of reactions.
  • There is a point system that rewards users for interacting on the website, posting new content, etc. The leaderboard shows your standing and the points will be used to unlock “achievements” in the future :)
  • There’s is a commenting system for users to comment and reply to specific posts.
  • Sharing options are available on every post (please use them!).

More features are planned, and I’m hoping the community will offer feedback on features they want to see. Just like how VeganOstomy has evolved to serve the patient community in ways that it needed, I hope that Ostomeme can do the same!

Please, join, and let your humor run wild! =)

5 thoughts on “Introducing: Ostomeme!”

  1. Posted by: The bag lady

    Being a nurse I have a wicked sense of humour and it certainly has helped me thro my illness. A bit of banter helps put a smile on 😊

    Thanks, The Bag Lady! Enjoy the site :)

  2. Being a nurse I have a wicked sense of humour and it certainly has helped me thro my illness. A bit of banter helps put a smile on 😊

    • Hi bag lady!!  Yes humor is the best.  We have a lounge or used to…. I and a few others really had a few good times in there..  Check it out.. Go to lounge and click on..  you can reply on anything and get it rolling. See you there?  Welcome !! Marcie. :-)

  3. Hi Eric, yer always up te some thing Lad, Its like getting my comic on a Friday evening when I was 10. Humour and a bit of wit goes along way in life, And I  always found when I was in hospital a bit of light hearted banter with the staff went a long way. Every success with the new site :-) 


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