Featured on VICE! How an Ostomy Affects our Sex Life

how an ostomy affects our sex life

My wife and I were recently interviewed and featured in an article for the iconic VICE website to discuss how having an ostomy has impacted our sex life.

VICE Media contributor Mark Hay had contacted me to be interviewed for part of a series he been writing called “This Is How We Do It”. The series features couples where at least one person has a condition that is usually stigmatized or desexualized by the media and modern culture.

After reading some of the stories published in the series, and after convincing my wife to openly discuss our sex life, we agreed to be interviewed and it’s now been published! You can read the article HERE.

To check our more articles on VICE from Mark, including his “This Is How We Do It” series, please visit his contributor page HERE.

You can also visit his website at http://markehay.com/

Many thanks to Mark and VICE for the opportunity to share our experience with others. 

5 thoughts on “Featured on VICE! How an Ostomy Affects our Sex Life”

  1. This really was such a great article Eric, thank you for taking the time to share your experience as well as Kelli’s. So many parts hit so close to home for me, so I am glad to know I’m not the only one that has gone through so many of these emotions and experienced so many of these issues.

  2. Hi Eric, Many thanks to you both for doing the interview and being so open👍 Sex is a natural part of life no matter what the personal issues or age. I feel ostomates feel it going to put a partner of more than it will. I wasn’t married when I had my stoma and I can honestly say any physical partner s never had an issue. Probably best to inform first rather than surprise 😂 my wife and I never find any problems. And yes we have had an accident 😂 

  3. Amazing article Eric. Thank you and Kelli  again. I am so happy for you that you don’t live with the pain and impact of Crohns that had in the past. And that you have a supportive understanding partner like Kelli. What a blessing. 

  4. Wow. Thank you Eric and your wife for your bravery and openness. I can’t wait to read the article. There is no one better able to represent our typically hidden world. It means a lot to all of us who struggle with our ostomy and our personal life. And thank you to Mark Hay for taking on a subject that is so difficult to share.


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