My wife and I were recently interviewed and featured in an article for the iconic VICE website to discuss how having an ostomy has impacted our sex life.
Guest Blog post
Featured on the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Website!
March 6 – 2017. I’ve had the honor of being featured on the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada website to talk about life with an ostomy and my acceptance with having one.
Featured on OstomyConnection: “Spending Sunday With Vegan Foodie & Ostomy Advocate Eric Polsinelli”
Nov 20, 2016 – I’ve had the honor of being featured on the fantastic website OstomyConnection!
Guest Post: Veganism 101 for IBDers and Ostomates
Saying “I’m vegan“, is something which raises as many eyebrows as saying “I’m an ostomate” or “I have Crohn’s Disease“, but I can say it with confidence because living an ethical and compassionate lifestyle can be highly rewarding (and pretty easy).