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Sick cat :(

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I'm sorry for your loss @VeganOstomy, and @cat-momma. My kitties are my lifeline. I hope you have lots of lovely memories of them to keep you company while you mourn their loss. Peace and comforting thoughts for you. 

Tigerlily, Cat momma, VeganOstomy and 1 people reacted
Cat momma
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@veganostomy Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that!! Were you in any way prepared, I mean had she been sick? Or was it over all of a sudden?

I'm still grieving the loss of Rufus and Mickey. Coming home from work and not seeing 4 four big eyes through my front door window, awaiting dinner. It's hard. And I still expect Rufus to come out from under my car when I return from a walk. In short, it's less fun to come home...

Thank you for thinking of me.

Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023

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Posts: 407

@veganostomy I’m so sorry to hear this. Yes, it is shattering. It’s so hard to adjust to not having them run to greet you when you come home - that’s what I find the hardest. Suddenly the place feels so quiet. Take good care.



Just a semicolon

VeganOstomy reacted
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Posted by: @cat-momma

Were you in any way prepared, I mean had she been sick? Or was it over all of a sudden?

We were only prepared in the sense that we knew she was an old cat, but she was still quite active for her age. She had weight loss, then began to lose her appetite, then grew weak. We went through the same last year with another girl just a little older.

I'm still grieving the loss of Rufus and Mickey. Coming home from work and not seeing 4 four big eyes through my front door window, awaiting dinner. It's hard. And I still expect Rufus to come out from under my car when I return from a walk. In short, it's less fun to come home...

Thank you for thinking of me.

Yeah, that's hard. Our girl loved to cuddle, sleep on your chest, etc. none of our other cats really do the same, so it really does feel like something is missing.

But I do feel so fortunate to have had her in our life for all these years, and cherish the photos and videos we still have of her.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Posts: 407

When my son was about 6 years old, our first cat died unexpectedly. My son was devastated. Because I am a hand spinner, I had saved a small bag of Turnip’s fur; I’d thought I’d knit a pair of mittens for my son one day. I didn’t have enough for mittens, but I was able to mix the fur with a little sheep’s wool for stability, spin it into a yarn, and knit a small panel that my son was able to take to bed with him every night. I know it was a comfort for awhile. 


Just a semicolon

LK and VeganOstomy reacted
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 4348

@tigerlily That's so thoughtful. We did keep some of her fur, and gave some to our daughter.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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