Hello🌺 I have a drainable bag and the sharp ends poke my thigh and cause bruises..how can I safely cover the edges or secure it upwards? Thank you what bag do you use? the coloplast drain end can be folded up nicely, else i will have the same problem you mention. I've added extra velcro so end can fold up higher than normal. I use Hollister and wouldn’t I have to use a lot of Velcro? Because of bag changes. I remember vegan Ostomy mentioning that he had a solution but I can’t find the video Hi Jackie, Click below, and you'll get the answer you need. Stella https://www.veganostomy.ca/community/ostomy-tips-tricks/hollister-ostomy-pouch-hack-tips/ thank you sooo much..it looks like I’ll be ordering some Velcro 🤣 Have you seen Eric horizontal wearing of a two piece bag and a stealth or comfort belt? Colostomy Jan 2020 Hi Jackie, Linda (LK) sent me this picture to post for you. This is her way of dealing with the sharp edges. Somewhere a while back she posted the instructions. Maybe this will help... -Liza You guys are awesome! @jackie If the velcro doesn't help, do you have the option of wearing a pouch cover or something like the "sock hack"? The edges on my Hollister bags are so sharp that nearly all the pouch covers I've had ended up with holes in them (eventually), so I can understand how your leg must feel! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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