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Stoma Collars

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No very long ago I was suffering terribly with having to change my appliance every 8 hours. It seemed as though my stoma expanded outward, in girth, pushing my Eakin ring outward as well, then the stoma would retract inward again leaving the ring expanded outward and hence exposing bare skin.

Anyway.. my wife says I explain things in far too much detail and go on and on and on and on forever until everyone falls asleep, so Ill cut to the chase. 

I had a couple stoma collars hanging around, that I had received long ago as a sample but for whatever reason was too nervous to try.  It was the largest size collar and it was JUST too small for my stoma.  Regardless, I stuck it to the sticky side of the wafer, poking the collar up through the wafer, put an eakin ring on my skin around the stoma, and slammed that sucker on. It was a little tight I have to admitt and I was worried about that, but no harm to date has come of it.  Ive been getting 4-5 days easily now ever since.

Anyhow, this may come in handy for someone who feels they are in the same situation I was in.



LK, VeganOstomy, john68 and 1 people reacted
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Hi Chris, let’s clear one thing up wives know everything or think they do cos if they did we wouldn’t need Google, Boy I can feel my ears burning already 😂 but seriously that is really great to hear lad👍

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Chris and LK reacted
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Posts: 246

So glad to hear you found this solution, Chris.  There's no substitute for the peace of mind that a good pouching/collecting system affords an ostomate. The feeling when things are not working well is horrible. What a relief it must be for you.


I would be lost without my wife. I'd rather live without a good pouching system than without her.

Crohn's diagnosed in 1995.
Spontaneous colon perforation and emergency end ileostomy surgery in 2018.
No colon - still rollin'!
No eyesight - life still bright!
Stomaversary - December 4th

john68, Chris and LK reacted
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Posts: 4372

Glad you found a solution that works for you! Which brand of stoma collar did you end up with?

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

john68, Chris and LK reacted
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Posted by: @ileostony

I would be lost without my wife. I'd rather live without a good pouching system than without her.

Tony, it definitely sounds like you won the wife lottery!!  Not all guys are so lucky. Just ask my husband. 😂

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

VeganOstomy, john68, Chris and 2 people reacted
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Posted by: @squeakyandliza
Posted by: @ileostony

I would be lost without my wife. I'd rather live without a good pouching system than without her.

Tony, it definitely sounds like you won the wife lottery!!  Not all guys are so lucky. Just ask my husband. 😂

I bet if I did ask him he would disagree with your self-assessment. :-) Any husband worth his own skin had better.


Chris, don't mean to hijack your thread. Stoma collars rock.

Crohn's diagnosed in 1995.
Spontaneous colon perforation and emergency end ileostomy surgery in 2018.
No colon - still rollin'!
No eyesight - life still bright!
Stomaversary - December 4th

VeganOstomy, john68, LK and 1 people reacted
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Salts. .. I haven't tried anything else... had a couple collecting dust and when I measured it was just a tad on the small size. I kind of have to pull the stoma through it with gauze. Anyway.. it's working and though they aren't cheap, I'm saving loads of money using them :)

VeganOstomy, LK and john68 reacted
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For the record I appreciate everything my wife does for me.. even the constructive criticism:)


I wouldnt trade her for a million  thousand dollars!

richard, VeganOstomy, LK and 2 people reacted
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Ok am starting to feel out numbered 😂 you guys do know I am joking, somebody help me please!!! 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Chris, SqueakyandLiza and LK reacted
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Posts: 246

Lol John, what kind of friends would we be if we didn't rag on you now and then? Guys who hate their wives don't say such tame things like that she knows everything.

Crohn's diagnosed in 1995.
Spontaneous colon perforation and emergency end ileostomy surgery in 2018.
No colon - still rollin'!
No eyesight - life still bright!
Stomaversary - December 4th

Chris, john68, SqueakyandLiza and 1 people reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 2058

Nice one Chris, for anyone like me who didn’t spot it look at his last post again!!! 😂👍

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Chris, SqueakyandLiza, LK and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 1036
Posted by: @chris

I wouldnt trade her for a million  thousand dollars!

Ha ha ha. I guess now we know your price. 😂😂. I'm pretty sure my husband would trade me for a million dollars too. But probably not a thousand. 😂

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

Chris, LK and john68 reacted
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Posts: 1036
Posted by: @john68

Ok am starting to feel out numbered 😂 you guys do know I am joking, somebody help me please!!! 

We all know you are one of the good guys, John. But must say, it is fun to tease you a bit!!

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

Chris, john68 and LK reacted
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Posts: 1557

Chris, that's wonderful you found something that works great for you.  I  appreciate your openness in sharing this matter with us, So  thank you! 

Lol ..Its  okay Liza, Lol, let them dig their way out if this one. Lol!  It was decided many moons ago that when God created man from dust, and women from the rib of man, that man would need a little dusting off once in a while.  In a round about way, it was also decided that women would give birth to not just little girls but also, little boys. God had the insight that man would need a hard copy once in a while so little boys would come in handy to create Google and the GPS system. Lol...thus eliminating the need for the phrase, I told you so. 

Men, who can go on about things are often creative people. They like detail in wood work or gardens and are capable of a pretend tea time with small children.

Lol, here we have the example of another female downgrading in value. Butt truth be told even government can not put  a price on the value of a woman, so why expect a hubby too. Lollol. Truth is, they know we are priceless in many ways even if they have difficulty saying so, they often show it in many other ways. All in good humor guys, this is fun. 


Chris, SqueakyandLiza, john68 and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 2058

I have to tip my hat to the fairest sex, Look at the Ostomy Community, Apart form Eric and a few others Most of the Advocates are women. But I agree the banter is fun. 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

SqueakyandLiza, LK and Tony reacted
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Posts: 651

Chris, glad you finally found a solution to your problem. What a difference a collar makes!

John, I must admit, I don't have it in me to "rag" on you - your just too nice a guy!  More than likely, your wife must think you're as much of a gem as you think she is! I know that my hubby is a gem and I wouldn't trade him for all the money in the world!


john68, Tony, SqueakyandLiza and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 1557

It's pretty important to have fun and goof of in our situations, and equally so to be able to laugh at ourselves too, and I am pretty sure most of us can and do just that. Heaven knows we have enough going on that can be cause for laughter. Sometimes having to dig deeper for it then other times, but, we get there. Chris was kind enough to lend us his forum to do just that today too, so, thankyou Chris, your a gem too! Don't be shy. We are lucky to have these forums on Eric's Vegan Ostomy site with the input of as many men as we have here. I think it makes it easier for other men to ask for help if they know it will come in the form of  male voice also. We may have less men do to the fact that women are usually the ones staying home to raise kids, and due to health issues never made it back into the 9-5 work force. So, thank you guys! 


john68 and Tony reacted