Let's discuss these two wonderful products by OstomySecrets! My written article for these products can be found by clicking on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Great presentation +very informative. How did you manage to get the products from Ostomy Secrets? I tried to order something from them (am in Canada as I believe you are) and they informed me that they don't ship to Canada. Hey Colleen, I've been told that they are working on getting shipping to Canada going, but it sounds like that hasn't happened yet. I requested these products as I need them for an upcoming video project. What were you trying to order? There may be a similar product available from a company that does ship to Canada. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I like the looks of the Ostomy Secrets underwear, so was trying to order them. However, I did some searching and ordered from Awestomy and C&S instead. The exchange rate right now is a killer though. You should have a great experience with either of those! Yes, the exchange rate absolutely sucks right now! I'm glad we don't have to order ostomy supplies from the US =) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. The wraps are now on sale for summer at 20 bucks a wrap! I am really thinking of ordering one for this summer! Anyone know if these can be shipped to uk - having trouble tracking down products for men to swim in over here. I believe that they can ship these anywhere in Europe. But you can also find other companies in the UK who sell swimwear products. I've got several listed here: https://www.veganostomy.ca/ostomy-clothing-manufacturers/ Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi Eric! First of all, I would like to tell you that your site was a big help in navigating the ostomates world. Thank you for that! My father had an irresversible colostomy surgery this past December, and until last year I had no clue about any of this. In relation to the Ostomysecrets Swim Trunks, I was wondering if you got the chance to actually use them and if you are happy with them. My father likes to swim and be in the water and am trying to find the best accessories for him to enjoy these activities. And also, if you did use the trunks, did you use them together with the swim wrap? Would you say that they make a good pair? :) Have you discovered in the meantime other swim wraps that you like better? I really appreciate your help with this! All the best! P.S. : We are from Romania, just to know how small the world gets with internet access. ;) Hi Andreea! I'm not a swimmer, so I have not used either product for swimming. I do have a friend who swims a lot and I believe use uses a product like the StealthBelt. The trunks should be fine for casual swimming and leisure time in the pool. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. how can I order the unisex Swim wrap Hi Dianne, You can order them directly from the manufacturer: https://www.ostomysecrets.com/ Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hello, This will be my first summer out and about with my iliostomy. I have gotten the swim skirt from Ostomy Secrets and I like it a lot. For more security, I will probably add the wrap. Question, do people also use a waterproof pouch cover? Also, do I have to worry about the appliance loosening during swimming? Shall I expect to do a change right afterwards?  I wear the two-piece SenSura Mio Click system. Thank you for the support. Mere 🏊☀️ Hello Mere, I have gone swimming with my one-piece SenSura Mio and have never had an issue of it slipping off. As a precaution, I usually change to a new appliance afterward, plus I do use Brava elastic tape for added security. Maybe that's overkill. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to worry! 😀 Question, do people also use a waterproof pouch cover? Some people use them while showering, but I haven't heard of them being used for swimming. As sjlovestosing says, changing your appliance afterward is good advise, and quite common. You may not need to do to this, so observe the condition of your wafer and note any changes to wear time once you being swimming more often. Have fun! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @gardengypsy I swim a lot in the summer, and I don’t use anything extra except the little stickie that you put over the filter. I also don’t change my appliance after swimming; just give it a quick dry with the hair dryer on low heat. I do find that I change my appliance more frequently in the summer; whether that’s due to heat or swimming, I’m not really sure. I wear a 2 piece Sensura Mio stick system. Laurie Just a semicolon @veganostomy looking for options when it comes to appliance protection while swimming @veganostomy looking for options when it comes to appliance protection while swimming Protection from impact or to keep it secure/supported? Trunks or wraps will keep your appliance supported, but you may need to step up to something like the Hybrid Stealthbelt for protection. I probably wouldn't recommend a hard stoma guard for swimming. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
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