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No Reversal

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Joined: 2 years ago
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Having a history of Diviticulitis and colon cancer on my Father's side....I will give update. Had emergency surgery a year ago this month due to Divirticulitus. Lost 1 foot of diseased Colon and now have Colostomy. Had my most recent Colonoscopy through my Stoma and Rectum. 8 Polyps removed, thankfully all benign. Unfortunately, a new Divirticuli is developing, which was disheartening news to me. But the percentage of it coming back is relatively high. My GI told me that I could have the Reversal, but the possibility of Divirticulitis getting worse and thus requiring losing more Colon in the future could happen. To have the Reversal and then maybe having to go BACK to having a new Stoma and Colostomy has caused me to make the decision to not have the Reversal done. It would be WAY too much surgery and recoveries for me. My new 'normal' is my Colostomy now and I have accepted it happily!

Cat momma, GoatHerder, LK and 2 people reacted
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 4372

I'm sorry to hear that your options are limited, Jillian. But I'm also happy that you've come to accept your ostomy in a positive light.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK and john68 reacted
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Posts: 709

GM Jillian

Sometimes the decisions we are left with can be hard . The one we choose is not always the one we really want . But you have made your choice and you are happy with it .  And will not have to worry about diverticulitis getting worse .  And that's what really matters 


Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

LK and john68 reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1557

Hi Jillian ... a good attitude over  accepting our ostomies helps tremendously!   Thats not to say there won't be rough spots but getting thru them one step at a time does help. I'm sure you've discovered that by now. 

Know we are here to help if you need tips on anything or just simple encouragement.  All the best to you! 


GoatHerder reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 600

Posted by: @jillian

Having a history of Diviticulitis and colon cancer on my Father's side....I will give update. Had emergency surgery a year ago this month due to Divirticulitus. Lost 1 foot of diseased Colon and now have Colostomy. Had my most recent Colonoscopy through my Stoma and Rectum. 8 Polyps removed, thankfully all benign. Unfortunately, a new Divirticuli is developing, which was disheartening news to me. But the percentage of it coming back is relatively high. My GI told me that I could have the Reversal, but the possibility of Divirticulitis getting worse and thus requiring losing more Colon in the future could happen. To have the Reversal and then maybe having to go BACK to having a new Stoma and Colostomy has caused me to make the decision to not have the Reversal done. It would be WAY too much surgery and recoveries for me. My new 'normal' is my Colostomy now and I have accepted it happily!


I think you have made the right decision. 


LK and GoatHerder reacted
Tony H
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 336

I'm 5 years post op with my ostomy and my only regret is that I didn't have it 20 years ago , life is so much simpler and easier , I was offered a reversal and I laughed at the surgeon and refused outright , I found the longer I have an ostomy the easier it gets .

Cat momma, VeganOstomy, LK and 2 people reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
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@tony-h I am glad you made this decision. There was just no way I could go through a reversal after all I have been through. I am quite happy with my having a Colostomy now.

LK and Tony H reacted