Just had my colon, rectum and anus removed (ileostomy) after enduring UC for 15 years. Would like to compare your experiences of our butt wounds! For me the stoma and abdomen is by far the easy bit of the recovery! If you still have a stump to get removed I'll be thinking of you! How long did it take your butt to heal? Weeks, months, years? What was it like getting the sutures removed by your surgeon? How did you manage and care for your butt wound? I feel a little light in this department. We're you given good instructions. I would really appreciate all shared experience on this topic.  Thanks! Axe Wound...Welcome and Sorry I can't help you but know my heart goes out to you. Things get are tad slow some weekends here, but please hang in there. Those with this experience "will" certainly get back to you as soon as they read this. Most stitches are dissolving but I am not sure about butt wounds. Know that healing does happen and hopefully quicker then you wonder about. Make sure you drink a lot of fluids and get the rest your body requires to heal. There are several here that can help you with this. Try and rest till you hear from them. All the best for healing for you. If you have not, check out the videos and read Erics personal story. He has done an amazing job here. We are here for each other and will help the best we can. Hang tough! Linda Linda Hi Axe Wound, I don’t know how helpful I will be. I had my colon removed 16 months ago and still have an open wound on my tummy. Now the surgeon is wanting to remove the rectal stump, and I am working on getting a second opinion, because I want to avoid that. I was sick about 3 months before my colon was removed, but other than that, I wasn’t really suffering. My GI is working on getting approval from my insurance to up my Humira to weekly instead of biweekly so I’m hoping if they can get the Crohn’s under control with medication, they will back off on wanting to take out the stump. I sure hope I can avoid the stump removal, but in case I can’t, I’ll be interested to hear how your healing goes. -Liza Hey Axe Wound. I've detailed my experience on the website, but my experience wasn't as positive as it should have been due to a faulty wound vac. Sounds like your wound was sewn up. Is that correct? If so, you may have a pretty quick recovery (less than a few months). Some people will have an open wound that needs to be packed pretty much daily as it slowly heals and closes up from the inside. Assuming no complications, I think most people will recover in several months.  Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Yes my butt wound was sewn up. When the sutures came out the wound has all raw skin and seeping. It stung for a week solid after getting the sutures out. It's now uncomfortable (less stinging) and I'm 5 weeks post op. Hi Axe Wound, It took several months before mine completely healed. My husband kept an eye on things and my ostomy nurse also checked on it for several weeks. If you are noticing "weeping", redness or any sign of infection, got to the doctor ASAP. Other than that, be patient. Things will get better. Also, make sure you are sitting on a waffle pillow while you heal. It will at least make things more comfortable! Stella        Thanks. I've had weeping and the surgeon seen it but didn't seem bothered about it when I asked. It's sticky white but I do have basically an open wound since sutures came out. Instructions are to keep it clean. Welcome axe wound, I still have my rectal stump ( two words I never imagined I would ever hear together), so I can't help with that in particular. BUT, since you have now gotten rid of your useless colin, you are also rid of the huge inflammatory load that such a thing saddles us with. Now that it is gone, the reduced levels of inflammation will go along way to helping you restore your health. After 15 years of suffering with UC this has to be a step in the right direction. You will get back to being able to eat better too.  As others have said, time is a real healer here. Please let us know how you are doing. Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017. Hi axe wound, I have gone through same as what you did, except I have Colostomy. I did not have suture removal, the sutures melted and disappeared on their own, but I will tell you that most of the pain would be gone within 2 months, or so. Get yourself some thick foam to sit on, specially if you intend to drive a car, car seats are brutal after this surgery. Try to sleep on either left or right sides, laying on your back may hurt and wake you up from even deep sleep. The only care you need to do, is watch (use mirror) for any leaks of any kind, and keep it clean. Do NOT fall on your butt (or what was your butt), you are better off falling on your face then opening the place of surgery, your Doctor would want to see it every time you go to him, making sure it is still as he put it together, you do not want to end up in surgery again. Do not shovel snow, or lift anything heavier then 20 Lb, this restriction for me for life time . If this was a result of rectal cancer, your Doctor will want to see you every 3 months for 5 years, go to every appointment, they would do a blood test to see if any new cancer is developing. Ask your doctor for prescription of 600 MG Ibuprofen, it helps with pain quite a lot. If you need any more answers, you have here a lot of good people to ask, or leave me a message. Take it easy, and things DO get better, it is not the end of the world. Good luck to you Dan   I've had weeping and the surgeon seen it but didn't seem bothered about it when I asked. It's sticky white but I do have basically an open wound since sutures came out. Instructions are to keep it clean. I'm glad your surgeon didn't seem concerned. Sometimes, all we can do is wait while our body does what it needs to do. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I think I've watched all the content of Netflix and Amazon prime. Bored stiff. This recovery period is torture. I feel stronger every day. Would like to see weight go up quicker as I'm down by 12 lbs but time will help and more eating! I'm almost settled with my Ostomy nurse on my supplies and have been wearing both horizontal and vertical stealth belts which are awesome. Next step is going back to work! Hi Axe Wound, Being restless is a sign you are getting better. I can tell you are going to be a great example of a happy ostomate. 👍 ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Hello I am new at this and first time posting. I had colon cancer so after 6 months of chemo and radiation I had part of my colon removed and my rectum! The biggest challenge has also been my butt wound however it is slowly healing! I stand as much as possible and whenever I can, this has helped a lot. I have great doctors and they have said just give it time, which is hard. I am enjoying this site and I have learned a lot and looking forward to learning more! Sharon I got my butt stitches out after 3 weeks which was medieval. Then I went back at 7 weeks and got silver nitrate put on my granulated wound which was a proper ring stinger with no local anaesthetic. Now, I go back at 8 weeks for more silver nitrate in my crack. Cracking toast Grommit! Surgeon happy = me happy... but stung. I poop silver nuggets. It's not gold but next best thing. I'm off to blow dry my arse and pray for world peace. What the heck, Axe! I am laughing  so hard I’m crying! p.s. To world peace 🍻  Colostomy 4/30/18. Hello and welcome, Smended. My surgery was because of rectal cancer. The Veganostomy website has been such a great help to me. Ok, my experience: healed very quickly; I didn’t sit much, which helped. However .... I noticed right away that there seems to be some extra skin there - this actually provides some “give” and I thought it was the surgeon’s technique,  but then I noticed on her online notes after my last office visit that she mentioned  that there was an extra “flap” (as she put it) of skin.This is not large and I don’t think it is visible to anyone who might have a view of my bare backside (nobody, if I can help it,). Was this a little error on her part, and serendipitous? I think it helped things heal quickly and easily, in my case.  While I was healing I spent a lot of time on the couch, on my side, and slept on my side. Best wishes to you. Colostomy 4/30/18. Axe Wound, Couldn't help but chuckle at your experience! You have a wonderful sense of humor, which is so important for the healing process. Being an "older" individual, when talking about my ostomy to my friends, I just stated that the old bag now wears a bag - it took alot of pressure off of them and they were able to relax by knowing that I was ok with the new me. Smended, I also had colon cancer and had everything but the kitchen sink removed! It will take time, but things will begin to come together and get easier. One thing that helped me when I needed to sit was the use of a waffle pillow. It sure helped cushion the bum and made sitting more comfortable. A donut pillow may be more your style as it does relieve the pressure from the stiches. God bless, Stella It does seem to take forever to heal, I was in hospital for 5 weeks and rehabilitation for 4 weeks, still sitting on the stupid pillow with a hole in the middle. Nearly fell over when I first saw it. But carted it around for 3 months until I could sit without worry. I just wish I could gain some weight. But it's a losing battle. I get to 39 or 40 kgs get an obstruction, have to stop eating and drinking and lose another kilo. Frustrating! Ah, sorry, off topic. Salt water bath occasionally helps, but tepid not hot water. It's spring here (Australia) so no worries about that. But if you're in the northern hemisphere it will be chilly for that, won't it? Hopefully you'll heal before Christmas. Â
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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