Hello all, It's been a while since I've been on. I hope all are doing well. So, I went to see my general surgeon who did my hernia surgery because there seems to be a lump under one side of the stoma and it's went flat after the hernia surgery and now pushing sideways . When I complained of the flat stoma immediately after surgery there was nothing that could be done as he said I did not have enough bowel to pull through. Now that I've lost a whole bunch of weight I was also feeling like my bowel was getting stuck at times when bending down. Like it would get hung up and cause pain until I stood straight up for a while and it would settle back in. I was questioning could something be wrong with the mesh. He says there is no test to actually see the mesh inside but that he did see on my last CT scan that I do have some extra bowel behind my stoma. He says after a while the bowel stretches. At the time of surgery there was not enough to pull through but now there is. Anyhow he says we can pull more bowel through and turtle neck to make the stoma stick out more. It will not be a huge surgery but I will spend the night. Also says it could come out worse but what we are aiming for is better. I guess they always have to tell us if the bad that could happen. I have high hopes this will solve my issues. I've been struggling lately keeping the bag on right and I'd also like to get out of this convex bag and go back to my original flat bag that I wore before all this started. Anyone else that had this kind of revision? I'd certainly like to know how it worked out for you. Anyhow he says we can pull more bowel through and turtle neck to make the stoma stick out more. It will not be a huge surgery but I will spend the night. Also says it could come out worse but what we are aiming for is better. I guess they always have to tell us if the bad that could happen. I have high hopes this will solve my issues. Yes, every surgery has risks, no matter how small. But, if you weigh those risks against your current situation, then the benefits might look more attractive. If your surgeon is confident that the stoma will be better for you, then it would be considering. Hopefully, someone who's had the same revision can share their experiences. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hello there! There is SO much going on for you! Since my stomas birthday in 2009, I've had no further bowel surgery. I was also told after a very thorough scope that there was not enough bowel left for further surgeries. Not that I mind that at all !! Lol! But I was also told that where my stoma is, the bowel in that area is stuck with scare tissue to the inside of my abdominal wall. There are times that I'm very aware exactly where its stuck too!  I hope things really improve for you Chelly! Stay strong & follow your heart as to what you believe is BEST for YOU! Remember that you're the one who has to live with the issues your experiencing. Linda I had a revision over 2 yrs ago to go from a loop to and end ileo. Some things were a little better at first but Squeaky may have gotten even smaller. I don’t think I’ll ever get out of convex wafers. -Liza Hi thanks to both of your replies. I had the loop and then got the end ileostomy everything was sticking out fine besides the hernias but it went flat after my hernia surgery. So this revision will be just a small cut around the existing stoma and says he will pull more bowel through and turtle neck it over top. I don't get how they do these things but I guess they know what they are doing. . So yes it will be revising this already flat stoma. I've been having a heck of a lot of diahrhea lately as well. I tried setting appt with a gastro but have to wait till March to get in. Crazy huh? I been taking lopermide prescribed by my PCP. It seems like as soon as food hits my mouth my stoma starts going. It's crazy. I tried setting appt with a gastro but have to wait till March to get in. Crazy huh? Wow, that's bad. Are you having any other symptoms outside of the gut? This is the time of year for viruses to go nuts! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Chelly, I hope things go well for you. You’ve been through so much already; you deserve some calm! I didn’t know that the bowel can stretch. That is fascinating!   Laurie Just a semicolon Hey, incase you're interested, you can view videos online of laperoscopy bowel surgeries. It's very interesting. Try Google get your type of surgery. It's not gross at all. Chelly, when was this surgery you had? I'm wondering because I know after any surgery it can take 6 to 10 weeks sometimes for a bowel to settle down & swelling too, to leave & guts to behave. Do you have access to a Nurse... ugh.. what are they called. The nurses who can write prescriptions? Or is that what PCP stands for? The wait to see specialists in our area is rediculous too, add to that our local hospital ER closing several times a week... it's all got to be crazy. "Nurse Practioner!!" There, my brain woke up! Lol. Do you have access to one of those Nurses? I'd hope that if they see fit they can get you in earlier...? I hope you feel better soon. As said above you've had so much to deal with. You remind me of our Liza & Squeaky. That lady has had so much on her plate since her surgery too. Plus she gets very little wear time from a pouch. She should be wearing a "spidey cape" for using her spider senses & for hanging in there so strong. I really admire, well, all our Ostimates here really, but I know Liza has had a lot of extra admiration going her way from my department! Stay strong ladies!  That goes for you too John in the UK! I sense your reading along & just too tired to respond & that's okay. We get it. I sure think of you & your family a lot & I am keeping you in my prayers asking for extra strength to cope as you go through what life has dealt you. You stay strong too old man! Linda @dlkfiretruck Linda, you are braver than I am! I can watch surgical videos UNLESS they are about surgeries that I might be having. Then, no way! I am a suck!🫣🤢  Laurie Just a semicolon thanks Linda. I’ve always appreciated all your support and encouragement. -Liza @veganostomy it's been going on for a few months now. They probably need to take a sample to check it out. I'm going to call Monday to see if I can't find a way in sooner or if worse comes to worse the ER may be an option to get in sooner. @veganostomy that's how he kind of explained it as well. Yes, it's getting hard to keep the bag on right. @dlkfiretruck hi, my surgery was a few years ago. After the parastomal hernia repairs the stoma went flat. Yes, I see the ostomy nurses but all so far that's done is convex bags but it seems to have gotten worse since I lost weight and there is a buldge on one side and pushing the stoma sideways.  Â
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
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