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SenSura mio total w...
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SenSura mio total wear time

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1) I’ve just recently started using the 2-piece Coloplast SenSura Mio system and I change the bag every 5 days, washing it thoroughly.  How many total days can I expect as I reuse it?  Coloplast  hesitantly said maybe 10.

2) I use a hot tub daily: I suspect this will shorten the total days but would love to hear from hot tub users using SenSura Mio bags.

3) I’m guessing that if I wear it too long, the plastic will fail catastrophically: am I correct?

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Hey Gord, 

I generally see a few points of failure when using the same bag over an extended length of time. These may or may not show up on the Mio, and many times this type of wear can change from person to person.

  • Fabric. This tends to be the first failure point. While the Mio's use nice fabric, it's not immune and you may find certain areas begin to tear (especially when you tuck your outlet under). 
  • Filter. Leaks through the filter can happen with extended wear. The Mio uses a large pre-filter, but the small filter may still leak. You'll likely need to cover this up with one of those included stickers if that happens. You won't get any of the benefits from the filter once you cover it up, but I wouldn't expect even a fresh filter to last more than a few days anyway.
  • The film used to make the bag. This will be very durable and I wouldn't be surprised if you can get weeks out of it. 

The Mio is a little more complex than say a filterless, opaque bag, but it should still last 10 days at least.

Hopefully, other users may be able to share their hot tub experience here :)

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

glenn.giroir reacted
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I’m happy that there may be some signs before a catastrophic failure: the bag splitting open.  I’m currently at 13 days with one bag but I don’t have access to a hot tub for another 10 days.  Has anyone had the SenSura Mio bag split open and approximately how many wear days had passed?

glenn.giroir reacted
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Posted by: @gord

Has anyone had the SenSura Mio bag split open

In over six years and hundreds of bags, I have never once had a bag split on me. This would be the least likely thing to happen with regular use. You may be one of the few members to know what kind of failures to expect with ultra-long wear, but bag splitting would still be an unlikely occurrence since bags are fused at the seams, not glued. 

I have heard of people washing and reusing their bags for many weeks, although, I'm not sure what the longest anyone has ever done it has been. 

This sounds like a great 2020 challenge ;) 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

glenn.giroir reacted
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I use the SenSura Mio Click, which is similar. The longest I've been able to wear one is 2 weeks, and that was only because I was getting concerned about the underlying skin. My bag sometimes inflates impressively, though never to the point of being in danger of bursting, but they are quite strong. It would take an awful lot to make one actually split open.

Crohn's diagnosed in 1995.
Spontaneous colon perforation and emergency end ileostomy surgery in 2018.
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glenn.giroir and LK reacted
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I love to experiment so I will take the challenge, at least until I notice some deterioration.  I get 5 days out of the wafer I use, Torbot Colly-seel, before changing and  using a second SenSura Mio click bag: I am alternating the 2 bags every 5 days.  I will repost when I’ve determined the total days, unless someone replies who has tried the experiment.  In essence I’m using a hybrid system as my super-sensitive skin breaks down with anything other than the Colly-seel.

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Awesome! I wonder if it's worth trying different cleaning methods to see if anything causes the bag to deteriorate faster (i.e. if not using only plain water). 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

glenn.giroir reacted
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I don’t want the bag to deteriorate faster but am trying to prolong its use, as I do with everything!  For 49 years I’ve been cleaning my bags with soap and water with great success.  

Incidentally, I changed my appliance today and was happy to see that 5 days with the collyseel has restored my skin around the stoma.

glenn.giroir, VeganOstomy, Tony and 1 people reacted
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That's great to hear! I'm sure that others who are on the fence about cleaning and reusing their bags will be encouraged after reading that. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

glenn.giroir reacted
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 I change the system every five days, washing and reusing the bags. I take a 15 minute hot tub every day and after 15 days total use, there are no problems with the bags. I probably could extend it further but given the relatively inexpensive cost of the bags, I will stop my experiment and not be so cheap!

 If anyone is interested in the hybrid system I am using, please see the item I just post under “sensitive skin”. 


glenn.giroir reacted