Does having a stoma make one immunio compromised? They are finding more out about how gut fauna interacts with our health. Who knows what the absence of critters that usually live in the colon may have on us. Throws the absorption of water and such out of wack for sure. Why is absorb changed to the second b being a p, when writing absorption? Why? I don’t know if just having a stoma would make you immunocompromised or not. In my case, the cause of my stoma, Crohn’s Disease does, and the medication I take for it, Humira, does as well. -Liza @rick ...Hi Rick, I don't think just having a stoma makes you immunocomprimised as there are many reasons people can have one. BUTT...if your not sure book an appt. with your GP and have a good old chat. Write some reasons down as to why your questioning this & any other qquestions you may have as well & let your Doctor help you figure it out. Its not a waste of his time or yours to do this but important for you to ask and find out. If your questioning this because of the Covid19 booster shot then all the more reason to ask about it. I'm not sure where you reside, but Canada has just opened the Booster up to everyone. The Booster is given 6 months after your second shot. I hope this is helpful to you. Linda Does having a stoma make one immunio compromised? I'm not aware of any studies or stats which indicate that having a stoma makes someone immunocompromised. But as @squeakyandliza suggested, the reason we have our stoma might, especially with certain medications. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Recent article here in UK paper reports on University of Texas study It states patient on immunosuppressant treatment for cancer within last 3 months at greater risk. "Surprisingly, people with cancer who had not recently been treated were not at heightened risk of serious outcomes from COVID-19. " article So what LK and Eric is close to the mark? It depends on other factors! Colostomy Jan 2020
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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October 27, 2021 7:36 pm
October 27, 2021 11:24 pm
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October 28, 2021 1:16 am
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October 28, 2021 9:14 am
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October 29, 2021 4:12 am
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