I got my Ileostomy with total rectum removal well into the age that Prostate cancer can develop. As all that stuff was being hacked out, would they automatically remove my 64 year old Prostate gland? If not, why not?  Will ask my Doctor at some point to be sure. Why? If it is still there.... How is Doc going to check it going forward? No amount of lube is going to make that easy. Hee heee. Not going to warn my GP. Just let him lube up and give it a go. See if he is really keeping track of my health history. Why? Unless you specifically had it removed, it would still be there. From what I understand, there's a bloodtest (PSA, or Prostate Specific Antigen) that will determine if further tests would be needed. An MRI is an option to examining the prostate, but biopsies are also possible, although not nearly as simple compared to having one with a rectum. This is a good question 👍 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. MRI not necessary, they use ultrasound to check prostate. @kedikat do you have access to your medical files? If you do, it should be mentioned there, without you having to subject yourself to additional diagnostics. If you don’t have access to your files, is that something you might consider? When I went through cancer treatment, I made a point of getting a copy of all the files related to that. Now if a question like yours comes up years later, I can check my files to get an answer.  Laurie Just a semicolon MRI not necessary, they use ultrasound to check prostate. From what I understand, MRI is still preferred. Newer, better ultrasound methods require a rectum, unfortunately. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy I've wondered this myself since my surgery. I'm in my fifties, so I keep a very close eye on my PSA numbers (tested every year) since a physical prostate exam is not possible for me anymore. MRI can be very expensive in the USA, even with insurance. Crazy the things we have to think about as ostomates. Ulcerative Colitis (1995) I asked the doctor after last colonoscopy through stoma , " So , now how are you going to check my prostate.?  and he said ultrasound. "  you can probably use mri,cat or pet scan.  all very expensive if you show no signs of problems. @dogtalkerer No doubt that cost would likely make ultrasound the default in most places, but MRI is still the most accurate way of detecting any problems. I'm sure very few places will go to MRI first, especially if the test is determined by an insurance company. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
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Permanent Ileostomy (2019)
Doing what it takes to enjoy life to its fullest.
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September 21, 2022 11:57 pm
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