I just wrote a big long paragraph and got an error message...……………..yikes. The point was what am I to expect as far as output after taking in the bowel prep fluids. I have visions of kneeling in front of the toilet with the open end in the toilet and just sleeping there, while I expel every solid and fluid in my body for 8 hours. Sorry about the error message. If it continues to happen, please post it in the Bug Reports section. I detailed my output schedule during my first ileoscopy which required a bowel prep. You can see the timeline here: https://www.veganostomy.ca/first-ileoscopy/ Keep in mind that my experience will likely be different from yours since there are so many variables at play. Honestly, though. It wasn't too terrible - more inconvenient than anything. Good luck! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Thanks for your response. I am going to read about your experience right now. OK. I see from your experience that your bag only got to about 1/2 full before you emptied it. That was my major concern...…………..the bag filling up and overflowing all over me...……….. That is a bit of a relief. I read it over real fast, so intend to read it again. I had gotten my bowl prep via the pharmacy. It is supposed to be more powerful than the over the counter supplies that I used in the past. One thing I must agree with you on. I once tried to do a colonoscopy without anesthesia and I will not do that again...………….YES it is very uncomfortable. So, once again,thanks for all your information. It is very helpful. I am so glad I found this website. Your a glass of water in a desert, so to speak.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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