My first ileoscopy


It’s all done. Over with. Finished.  I was given my first ileoscopy yesterday and it was an interesting experience to say the least!

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Those damn blockages…

Yesterday, I had a pretty normal morning… emptied my pouch at 7am and then again at 10:30am.  For brunch, I had some leftover rice with avocado, followed by two medium-sized apples.

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My Ostomy travel kit – Feb, 2014

Inspired by another fellow blogger, I’ve decided to finally get a proper EDC (every day carry) bag for my ostomy supplies.  This new bag is replacing a MUCH LARGER tactical shoulder bag, which I may still use for hikes or whenever more supplies are needed.

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Enhancing Nutrient Absorption – TIPS


When it comes to nutrition, that’s the golden rule. You hear a lot about how eating a healthy diet will improve your health, but that’s only IF you absorb the nutrients from your food. For most healthy people, this isn’t a big problem, but if you have a digestive disorder or if you’re eating a plant-based diet, there are things you can do to enhance the absorption of nutrients.

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