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What's Your Best Leak Story?

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@ileostony Good one! I woke from a nap just this evening with my bag as tight as it could go without coming apart. Red bell peppers always blow me right up, even though I take Gas-x first!

Retired engineer, now goatherd
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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Tony reacted
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Hey Tony!!  

Long time, no see!  Oh, pun wasn’t intended, but hopefully not offending. 🙂

I have awakened in the night with a bag tight like that with pressure. It is amazing how much pressure they can take, which goes to show what kind out pressure yours must have been under to blow like that. 

It is good to see you back here. I hope you and your family are well. 

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

GoatHerder and Tony reacted
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Since I’m an Ileostomy newbie, most of my leaks are due to the learning curve.

I was settling into changing my appliance every 3rd day and thinking I had it down fairly good.

Then, one day after a change-out, the appliance came ½ way unstuck and I had I complete blow out through all my clothes and down my leg at my desk (fortunately my office at home). LK’s @dlkfiretruck puddy sCRAPer would have come in handy!

Got it changed out, was fine, then the next morning, another blowout (caught earlier so not such a mess). Then 2 hours later, another. And just when I thought it couldn’t get worse…  I went to change clothes, started to reach into my tank top basket, & noticed a shirt strap moving. I thought, wow, those pain meds should be out of my system by now, then realized it was a fat 6” long centipede unhappy to be disturbed and poised to sting. We live in the tropics where old houses like ours aren’t sealed up very well, so we’re kind of used to it (stun em, trap em, & down the disposal), but finding one it my clean clothes was a new one, evidently saved for a day like this. Luckily, I hadn't grabbed a shirt without looking first.

One more blowout that evening, which almost put me into a blowout and was starting to really irritate my skin, but at some point, I got past being choked up and could almost laugh.

Thanks for some of Eric’s great videos and some of the threads on this site, I sorted out the possible culprits.

My 1st mail order of supplies arrived and included the smaller thinner wafers instead of the fat ones I’d been using from the hospital. I thought, ‘cool – lower profile sounds good’. Except, they didn’t stick so well or give the buffer I needed. Also – I was starting to eat more normal foods, resulting in my output thickening up and my needing to learn about managing pancaking. And, I was using way too much powder because I though it would help with the heat rash I was getting. Three strikes – you’re out.

Reading all the other shared stories definitely helps me keep stuff like this in perspective, learn how to work through the challenges, and not feel all alone. Thanks for sharing!!

me & my little volcano 🌋

zhtfreak, LK, Tony and 1 people reacted
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@ileostony Tony, it's so wonderful to have you back. What a story! I can't say that you didn't tell them so, but you did! Glad they learned that lesson QUICK.

Posted by: @mmz

it was a fat 6” long centipede unhappy to be disturbed and poised to sting.

What the hell?! It's not bad enough that you've got some ostomy-related challenges to face, but dinosaur-sized creepy crawlies too? At least it's the tropics, right? =) 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Tony and GoatHerder reacted
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These are ideal leak stories!! I can't imagine using a clip never mind an elastic of all thingsespecially when I find the velcro closure cumbersome & pokey enough against my leg! That was one reason I cut the top of an old sock & stitched the bottom edge to place over the velcro & cushion that horrid jab!! 

Brian, As a child with a pouch that had to be extremely trying times for you only made more so by being unable to see.  I'm so happy that you were able to successfully have it reversed.  Would you consider sharing with us your journey through the reversal & how all that went.  It may help someone trying to make that decission. You could start a new forum.   



GoatHerder and Tony reacted
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Posted by: @dlkfiretruck

 That was one reason I cut the top of an old sock & stitched the bottom edge to place over the velcro & cushion that horrid jab!! 

That's a great idea! I love the roll and lock system too, but have actually been injured by the stiffness of it. The week I used a plastic clip, it actually  drew blood!



Retired engineer, now goatherd
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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LK reacted
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A great idea, LK - I hate that unexpected poke, and I have plenty of orphan socks that I can put to good use here!

Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.

LK and GoatHerder reacted
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Fortunately, I don't have many good leak stories, but a few mornings ago, my (2-piece Hollister) bag was inflated to about 100 psi 😆 and when I did my abdominal crunch to get out of bed, it launched itself with a distinct "pop" as it flew across the room.  That was fun.  


Ulcerative Colitis (1995)
Permanent Ileostomy (2019)
Doing what it takes to enjoy life to its fullest.

LK, SqueakyandLiza, GoatHerder and 1 people reacted
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@glenn-giroir LOL glad it wasn't full!

Retired engineer, now goatherd
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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LK reacted
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Yes.  I don't like filters, so I use filterless bags, but I do balloon at night.  I can make it to the morning, but I have to be careful how I get out of bed.  😆

Ulcerative Colitis (1995)
Permanent Ileostomy (2019)
Doing what it takes to enjoy life to its fullest.

LK and GoatHerder reacted
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😂😂 That made me laugh, Glenn. Thanks!

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

LK and GoatHerder reacted
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@glenn-giroir I use filter bags, but have found that they don't work very well, are usually clogged up even when new.

Retired engineer, now goatherd
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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LK reacted
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Posted by: @veganostomy

What the hell?! It's not bad enough that you've got some ostomy-related challenges to face, but dinosaur-sized creepy crawlies too? At least it's the tropics, right? =) 

I'll take Dino creepy crawlies (& mold challenges) over shoveling snow any day 😅, though getting nailed by a creepy crawly is no fun.

me & my little volcano 🌋

LK and VeganOstomy reacted
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Posted by: @mmz

I'll take Dino creepy crawlies (& mold challenges) over shoveling snow any day 

I can't argue that! LOL 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

mmz, LK and GoatHerder reacted
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Posts: 1557 guys are so funny!  Glen your story about down to a mush, we may well recognize them in the pouch after.  One afternoon we had gone down for a nap, I was laying in bed with my hubby and we heard what sounded like a rock hitting the wall beside us.  I got up to look outside and then went to the washroom.  Well, there in my pouch was this single kernel of corn so splattered against the wall of the pouch that it had to have hit hard.  on further examination of the plastic, I couldn't help but laugh  when I saw the outward embossed dent from where the corn had hit the plastic!!! To this day,  can't help but wonder what speed it would have been clocked!!.  It must have been one of those that looked like a mini hot air balloon but crash landed in the pouch. The noise from that sucker was enough to make us both jump!! 


mmz, GoatHerder and Tony reacted
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interesting that the velcro closures can also poke you annoyingly. I would think since they roll up that that wouldn't happen. It's hard to picture them having never seen one. Kind of makes me wish I could somehow get my hands on one just to see what they are like since on paper they sound like they would've been ideal for me. I don't remember the elastic closures on the early bags I used being really annoying and I don't remember the elastic ever falling off. I do think they would have been really difficult to open and close though when it came time to empty.


As for my reversal, I've posted a little bit about it before. I posted a short version of my experience in @mmz's thread. I can elaborate in a new topic if people would be interested though.



Wow! I remember the clip closures being mildly annoying when they would poke my leg, but they never did hard enough to actually draw blood. I agree on the filters though. I didn't it at the time, but I don't think they really worked for me either because my bag would sometimes balloon even the morning after my mother changed it. So now I would probably use a filterless bag.

Nechrotizing Enterocolitis 7/3/1982
Ileostomy 7/29/1982
Reversed 8/1/1995

Tony, LK and GoatHerder reacted
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@zhtfreak Hi zh, It is at each end/side of the folded-up tail; the little corners at the bottom can be poke-y, depending on your position sitting, standing, or lying down.

My new little trick for the crinkling/rattling pouches, to tie and wrap a thin cotton handkerchief around the pouch, solves the poking - an unexpected “plus”  in my search for solutions to the sound.

Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.

Tony, LK and GoatHerder reacted
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@zhtfreak...Brian,  why not just call Hollister and ask for a few samples.  Tell them your blind, and wore a pouch from ? to ?, then at age  ?  had a successful reversal and your goal is to write a book for others needing written description aid.  When you first joined, you & I spent a fair deal of time talking about different ways to do things.  I see no reason why Hollister  would not want to help you out.  With each box comes a few papers.  The graph with holes for measuring a stoma size & shape and written instructions with pictures.  The difference is blind folks do not have the ability to see the pictures so in depth description is vital.  You can do that.  I found out last week that they have a doll for teaching purposes with a little pouch to put on & off the dolls stoma, ileostomy or colostomy.  They let me choose race, hair colour & whatever suited for talking to my little  granddaughter about what's under my clothes.   You should inquire about one  if it would help with your end goal.  Hollister is very good about sending samples. I really don't see any reason they would not send you some.   Ask for a few different samples so you can get a feel for the variety.   They will ask your name & some stoma info at the start so they know whats going on but after your in their computer, your in.  Just be honest about what your goal is.   If not, I have samples l have not used and would gladly send some your way. 


mmz, zhtfreak and Tony reacted
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@dlkfiretruck They sent me a sample of all their bags, but they all use the new formulation sadly...

Retired engineer, now goatherd
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
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Tony and LK reacted
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Posted by: @dlkfiretruck

Well, there in my pouch was this single kernel of corn so splattered against the wall of the pouch that it had to have hit hard.  on further examination of the plastic, I couldn't help but laugh  when I saw the outward embossed dent from where the corn had hit the plastic!!!

That's wild! You're going to need safety goggles when changing your appliance if that happens again 😂

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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