I don’t want to cause unnecessary alarm, but it seems that ostomates would be best to take extra Covid precautions. I have heard anecdotally about some who have had complications with their stoma as a result of Covid, and now it looks like there is starting to be some science to back it up. Here is a case from Japan: https://surgicalcasereports.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40792-021-01261-0 A friend who is on another ostomy site is hearing about several people who’ve had stoma issues after suffering from Covid; one person who says they now have an ostomy as the result of colon perforation from Covid. My friend herself had a swollen and very painful stoma (she thought she had a hernia, but the swelling eventually subsided) and had some difficulty even putting on an appliance for awhile, due to pain. The stoma issues continued after she otherwise recovered from Covid. As if we don’t have enough to deal with already, but it looks like we might need to be extra cautious on another front. Stay safe everyone. Laurie Just a semicolon That's wild stuff. Thank you for sharing! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Interesting article!! Thank you for posting this & the link as well. I hope your friend heals well without further complications. Linda Thanks for sharing this, Laurie, especially now that Covid seems to be surging again. My colon perforated, which led to my ostomy, and I would not wish the pain of a perforated colon on anyone. -Liza It's important to keep things in perspective . From the article:The exact prevalence of ischemia or perforation induced by COVID-19 coagulopathy is unclear.(very important) Also, state of Michigan stated 90% of deaths were 50yrs and older .my guess hospitalizations followed similar age numbers The federal agency that tests that the N95 mask does what it claimes, has very poor data on effectiveness of the common surgical masks most people wear 67 mentions of COVID on UOAA forum site. No mention COVID as a cause of medical problems. It would be good to know if all these people had the COVID shot or jab? No reference to web site were these claims are made, thus I can not investigate. Myself, colostomy, 60yrs old, several COVID colds, never will get vaccinated, based on experiences, not what I've read actually the government helped me say no by showing their inability to process facts . @dlkfiretruck my friend has healed, but it took her a long time, and it was quite scary for her. Fortunately, she was fully vaccinated or it might have been worse. Laurie Just a semicolon Little more data, from US NIH: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8895439/#REF2 25 " perferations"associated " with COVID. the paper states unclarity if it was from COVID or drugs to treat COVID . no mention of relation to colostomies. Also both papers related to severely ill people. 25 cases in US where there were likely over 250 million cases of COVID puts things in perspective. So 1 in 100million as a risk factor. one correction, I stated 1 in 100 million as a "risk" factor when i should have said "occurrance" . risk varies from high risk to no risk, related to ones own health condition. its also helpful to understand that covid has apparently losing its strength, some people still get vary sick, but in lesser numbers. everytime I get covid, its turning into just a mild anoyance.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
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