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In case of a natural disaster???

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With the event of what happened in Puerto Rico, and the other countries this past year, I can not help but wonder just what I should have in supplies? I spoke to my pharmacy recently and they figured this was a very important issue. Many supplies come from a distance. But if there were to be an Earth quake that demolished roads and buildings, landing strips, how would we get our supplies?  I only considered this recently and it brought fear to my heart, especially with the  Cymed business going on. I would like to know what everyone thinks, what they have in stock, where they keep it for access, and how they manage,as in rotate supplies.  For how long have you figured you may need to have them on hand...twos months? Six months? how do you store them? My needs change every week it seems. I have no idea where to start. Your ideas will be helpful. Anyone? 


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This is my fear too . I keep a 6 month supply . I check dates on packages and use/ rotate  accordingly . I keep them in a dresser drawer . I keep my current/ monthly usable stash in the bathroom in a sealed plastic container . As I need more I take from dresser into bath container. 

Be well , Bubbles 

LK reacted
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I keep about a 3-4 month stash, and take from the oldest boxes first.  I use the FIFO inventory method (first in, first out).  Once in a while, when I feel like I'm building up to much supply, I'll just skip an order for a month.

UC since 2002, subtotal colectomy Dec. 2016, proctolectomy Nov. 2018.

LK and Robert reacted
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Thanks for this conversation, everyone! For a rookie like me, this is very important information.  By-the-by, how long do supplies last?


LK reacted
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This is an important topic if you live in disaster-prone areas. I was hoping to get an article about this written up at some point.

One thing that might bring some comfort is that when disaster does strike, the ostomy community does a lot of work to bring extra supplies out to those in need. 

I would still highly recommend keeping extra supplies and anything else you'd need for an appliance change on hand and make sure they are in a waterproof container or bag (preferably one that will float if there's a flood). 

Fortunately, most natural disasters don't just happen without warning, so you'll have time to get your stash.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK and Empoweringpts9 reacted
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I tend to have about 2 months supply, only once did I let my supply down and guess what "Sods Law" that was the time my order came without bags!! was able to manage and was so lucky it was not the wafers.

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

LK and Robert reacted
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I receive my order automatically every 3 months and luckily have been able to save up a couple months supply extra . But as John said wouldn't ya know it last order no bags ! Luckily I too had extra on hand . Like Eric says if you live in flood prone areas plastic bags would be a good idea . I live in an Earthquake prone area so sturdy box type containers for me .

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

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Hey All...Eric...I look forward to seeing what you have to say in your video. I really want to know what you, go thru in one month. How long does that can of adhesive remover and skin barrier last you?  Things like that. I know it is based on activity. A  bad quake would mean a lot of hard work all around.

Robert...what do you receive every month when your order is all there?  Do you use sprays also for adhesive and barrier. If your home was knocked down in a quake, where would you have wished you had stored your extra items to be easily accessible after a quake. I have no clue why this is such a concern to me all of a sudden but I think it lays with the fact that I like to be prepared and have yet to figure out what I may need.  I have questions that no one in the medical field is answering. How would we get our supplies if the roads are out?  My pharmacist would have his own family to be concerned about. Same with my GP. Tho I know they are dedicated people, how far would they go for our bags?  When does the world open up again? What if the manufacturers were out of business till rebuilding? Part of me thinks that a 6 month supply may be reasonable, but I just do not know. I appreciate so much talking about this and for those that have replied and said what they are doing or have thought. We live on a fault line and have had several small quakes in the past 8 years, the last was 3 years back at 6. something. They always say one day we will get the big one! I have been looking after way of a tent and supplies, but never really knew what to have set aside for my pouching system. All ideas and knowledge are welcome here!


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Kind of in tandem with this discussion is this:


Does anyone know of a reliable ( and easy) place to donate supplies when we get ahead in our supplies? Prepaid mailing labels would be great. I would rather make a donation to some collection place that do the whole mailing thing. 


I think all of us have way too  many of some things and also types of things that didn't work out but are new and would be of use to others. 


Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

LK reacted
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Your local ostomate support group, will accept these.  I give extra pouches--  You can not give sprays, liquids, things like that. I don't think u will be able to get any at all -- a return labels. When ordering your supplies, ask them about this emergency issues.  I have..  Got a response that many the past few years (only) have asked that question.. Told to keep ordering what I am doing.. And if anything happens. (?) I will be contacted. again (?) They keep track of our orders so, ?  But if a full war/disaster happens.. we r all in trouble as it now a computer age. 

Also, they do send out pouches, etc. to many in a disaster areas.. All the hurricane areas last year were serviced.  Red cross.  I called Red Cross.. They wanted money only. Nope-- Not paying nurses 3-4 x their pay.. 

2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie..

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Dona...I have been thinking about this for you a bit.  Try donating some to your local ambulance/fire department  or bay. When I had extra of several types from samples I could not use, I took them to our local small hospital. They were so grateful to have them. They went to the emergency department and the patients floor. We have a small, now, 18 bed, down from 25 bed hospital here in town. The nurses in Emerge were so glad to have the supplies. On occasion they get accident victims that need an emergency bag and have had none.  Maybe think about them. The ambulance bay too the very grateful as well. They have required something temporary at accident sites.  Give them some thought. I have no extra anymore, but am trying to build a possible disaster supply.  Suggestion...when you donate in person, if possible, spend a few min. asking if they know how to use them and if not, tell them the importance of cutting a hole as close as possible,  when I did this, I had also given over some skin barrier wipes and adhesive remover wipes. They were all delighted with the arrival and the knowledge. 


T J reacted
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Living in an earthquake zone it could be a problem.i have about 3 months supply as i have to go and buy everything from guadalajara about an hour and a half away.

Wonder if any bright spark has come up with any home made ideas utilizing other products for our needs in a dire emergency?

LK reacted