Coloplast has suggested we may like to try the new concave bag. Has anyone tried these and if so any comments? Katy @kathleen  I use the sensura mio soft convex one piece.  I don't know if it's new or not, I been using it for two years.  I tried the flat one but had a few leaks.  This one is much better even though I don't have many lumps and bumps.  It has belt ears but I just cut them off. The one they want us to try is concave and not the usual convex. They say it is particularly good for those with parastomal hernias. Can't find any reviews. Katy The product in question is this: I don't believe it's available in Canada yet, but it looks like it could be a very nice product for someone with a hernia. If you do end up trying it, please let us know how it works for you! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Have not tried the new concave bags that were given to us as my husband has had an operation to move the stoma to another area and sew up the old site with the hernia. So far so good but sorry I could not give a review on the Mio Concave. I think we will be trying out a few new products with new stoma so will let you know if I have any comments/reviews on what we try. Katy
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