Hi I have read online to take a handful of mini marshmallows about 1/2 hour before bag change times to stop the stoma from giving output while you change the bag. So last time I went grocery shopping I thought hmmm I'm going to give this a try and I can confirm that this really does work. Lifesaver for me at the moment because I've been for some reason having a lot of liquid output. Nothing worse than changing when the old stoma wants to act up and keep going and going. Nightmare changes as to explain the best. I've heard this to be the case with regular (i.e. gelatin-based) marshmallows. I was recently able to buy a large bag of vegan marshmallows. While they tasted exactly like the real thing, and had the same texture and everything, it didn't seem to affect my output at all, which I thought I was interesting! One GI doctor told me that arrowroot powder can be used to slow down output, too. I haven't tried that one! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. That is interesting. Maybe the difference in ingredients. I never tried this marshmallow thing before because i tbiught the sugar would actually make you go but no it actually works for me. @veganostomy That is interesting. I don’t know what arrowroot is, but my kids liked Arrowroot Biscuits when they were little - they were the first hold-in-your-hand food for babies the pediatrician recommended. They were on the shelf with other cookies in the grocery store; I wonder if they are still made, and if we ostomates might find them useful. Colostomy 4/30/18. @llholiday ... That was how my kids came to enjoy arrowroot biscuits as well. It was their first hand held treat also recommended from the pediatrician & was said good for a teething baby as they could gnaw away at the biscuits and without fail they also made a gross mess! Lol! I went & googled "Arrowroot, where it comes from & is it good for consumption". Most of what I read said that there wasn't enough research on it. It comes from the root of the arrowroot plant. It is a starch when used in baking and grows in India, Africa, Australia and other countries. 🤔... I think I'll stick to corn starch in baking..... . . . I also read the Health Benefits of Arrowroot & it said it was known to combat diarrhea & irritable bowel. There's actually a lot to read on this starch, so if your curious, go google it! 👓 😎 🕶 ... ! Linda
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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